Mozambique and Zimbabwe collaborate on managing shared water resources

The governments of Mozambique and Zimbabwe have established a tri-basin institution to manage the Buzi, Pungwe, and Save River Basins’ water resources, which have, over the years, suffered from extreme climate effects such as floods, droughts, and cyclones. The Buzi, Pungwe, and Save (BUPUSA) Watercourse Commission culminated from the signing of the Save Water Sharing…

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Insurance: AFC Cares extends helping hand to Kerreboom Primary School

Students from Kerreboom Primary School who were recently injured when they were involved in a road accident got a shot in the arm from AFC Insurance. As part of its social responsibility initiative, AFC Holdings joined hands with the Government in extending help to students from Kerreboom Primary School who got injured in a fatal…

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Women urged to play a critical role in protecting the environment

Writes Clayton Masekesa Women in Zimbabwe have been urged to continuously play a critical role in sustaining a protected environment and promoting natural resource governance. This came out during the commemorations of the World Environment Day held in Mutare on Monday, organized by the Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe (WCOZ) and its partners, where various women…

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Zimbabwe: Parliament’s passing of ‘Patriotic Bill’ is a grave assault on the human rights

Amnesty International Responding to the news that the Senate passed on 7 June 2023 the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Amendment Bill 2022, commonly referred to as the “Patriotic Bill”, which criminalizes “wilfully injuring the sovereignty and national interest of Zimbabwe”, Flavia Mwangovya, Amnesty International’s Deputy Regional Director for East and Southern Africa, said: “The…

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European Union and Culture Fund empower Zimbabwean artists with grant awards

The European Union, in collaboration with the Culture Fund, announced the award of grants to 42 exceptional projects by Zimbabwean artists as part of the first round of the Creative Actions II project. These grants amount to a total funding of USD 748,588. H.E. the EU Ambassador Jobst von Kirchmann expressed his excitement about awarding…

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PAP President Chief Charumbira urges revamping of AU architecture

HE Chief Fortune Charumbira, the President of the Pan African Parliament (PA) has urged revamping of the entire African Union (AU) architecture to ensure that it meets and exceeds the expectations of the people of Africa served by the AU organs. Chief Charumbira made the remarks yesterday in his speech during a retreat on African…

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Zimbabwe` Short term insurance industry records close to 400% growth in assets

A 400% growth has been recorded in Zimbabwe’s short-term insurance sector, registering a boost of capitalization and asset size, according to the 31 December 2022 industry report by the Insurance and Pensions Commission (IPEC). The IPEC Q4 of 2022 industry report highlighted that the short-term insurance industry assets grew by a phenomenal 426% from ZWL20.0…

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Feminist Knowledge hub Zivo/Ulwazi addresses gender digital divide in Zimbabwe

The creation of the Zivo-Ulwazi Knowledge Hub is a timely intervention that will empower women and girls through accessing Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) thereby contributing to addressing the gender digital divide in Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network and UN Women officially launched the Zivo-Ulwazi Feminist Knowledge Hub today, Thursday 8 June…

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Tourism players celebrate 30th Anniversary of Cresta Lodge and Sango Conference Centre

Tourism sector players today celebrated the 30th Anniversary of Cresta Lodge and Sango Conference Centre, at the same time Re-launching the facility following refurbishments and upgrades to it. This development comes at an opportune time when Zimbabwe’s tourism is on a rebound trajectory after immense suffering from the effects of Covid 19 pandemic. According to…

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First Lady’s educational empowerment programme gave me eyes: Granny

Writes Elvis Dumba  Zvimba – The various initiatives by The First Lady Dr. Auxilia Mnangagwa has been described as empowerment game changer for disadvantaged citizens. A 66-year-old granny Elizabeth Chidakwa said the program has offered her wings and eyes to improve her agriculture activities. The small-scale agriculture enthusiastic granny said the short agriculture training has…

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UN, PAP collaborate on delivering sustainable development

The United Nations (UN) and the Pan African Parliament (PAP) are establishing mechanisms of working together on delivering sustainable development on the African continent. There was evidence that the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) continues to generate interest from various key political and socio-economic stakeholders around the world as its renewal project, led by its leadership in…

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Israel violates rights of Palestinian children

Israel, the occupying power, is deliberately and systematically targeting Palestinian children and is committing the gravest crimes against them, including killing and maiming, arrest and detention, and countless other untold traumas, the Embassy of Palestine in Zimbabwe has said. The latest victim of Israeli brutality against Palestinian children was three-year-old Mohammed Haitham Ibrahim Tamimi from…

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Food safety risks in developing countries’ informal sector tackled in new report

The report was produced by Spencer Henson, Steven Jaffee, and Shuo Wang  More sticks, fewer carrots: New directions for tackling food safety risks Key messages Despite ongoing structural changes, small-scale processors, grocers, market vendors, and food service operators dominate the food systems of most low- and lower-middle-income countries; Unsafe food is widespread in informal food…

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Involving children in managing plastic pollution pertinent: UNICEF

Writes Elvis Dumba Harare – The participation of children in waste management strategies, including strategies meant to address plastic pollution, is of paramount importance as they are not spared from the menace. The remarks were made by UNICEF Country Representative to Zimbabwe, Dr Tajudeen Oyewale during the World Environment Day Commemoration held in Harare. The…

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Zimbabwe Media Commission gears for 2023 elections

Writes Marlvin Ngiza The Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC) has embarked on safety measures for journalists and expressed commitment to taking important steps to ensure media participation while expressing great interest in professionalism and responsible media in necessitating the free flow of information for informed choices for the electorate during the elections period. This follows the…

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Tighten laws regulating reduced use of plastic: ActionAid urges government

ActionAid Zimbabwe (AAZ) has joined the rest of the world in commemorating World Environment Day (WED) that is running the theme “Solutions to Plastic Pollution” with Zimbabwe’s celebrations dubbed #BeatPlasticPollutionZim, bringing attention to issues of plastic pollution and exploring alternatives to reduce plastic use to aid the fight against climate change. Observed annually on 5…

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ZLHR condemns patriotism provisions in Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Amendment Bill

Writes Kumbirai Mafunda Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) is greatly saddened by the passing of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Amendment Bill H.B. 15, 2022 (introducing so-called patriotism provisions) in the House of Assembly on 31 May 2023. It now awaits to be presented and debated by the Senate. The Bill was gazetted…

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Chief Muusha officially installed

Writes Elvis Dumba Chimanimani – As the country continues to restore the traditional leaders’ dignity, Local Government and Public Works Deputy Minister Marian Chombo installed  Timothy Munorowazvo as the substantive Chief Muusha for the Mhakwe community in Chimanimani West. Munorowazvo takes over from his nephew Chenjerai Muusha, who was in an acting capacity, closing a…

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DStv Launches Exciting Dance Challenge

Explora Decoders and Premium Subscriptions To Be Won The spirit of giving from Africa’s most loved storyteller continues with the DStv Tambira Africa Dance Challenge. The competition will see lucky winners walk away with an Explora decoder or a DStv premium subscription. The promotion dovetails neatly from the delightful Africa Month celebrations to gearing up for…

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Science cafe deepens journalists’ understanding of health issues

Trained and knowledgeable health journalists are better placed to accurately report on health issues and disseminate vital information to the public, a science cafe held for media practitioners has established. In his remarks during the media interface organised by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Health Communicators’ Forum, the WHO Representative to Zimbabwe, Professor Jean…

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Zimbabwe gears up for carbon trading

Writes Elvis Dumba Harare – As the world continues to grapple with the effects of climate change-induced weather pattern challenges, Zimbabwe has joined the carbon trading sector as it gears up its efforts in mitigating the phenomenon. Zimbabwe recently developed and adopted a national carbon credit framework that is expected to guide businesses, benefit communities,…

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AWF joins Zimbabwe and Zambia delegation for the LOZAMAP TFCA tour

Own Correspondent The African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) Zimbabwe joined the Zimbabwe and Zambia delegations for the tour of the Lower Zambezi Mana Pools Transfrontier Conservation Area (LOZAMAP TFCA), where AWF, in partnership with the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, is implementing various conservation projects. The tour came just after the signing ceremony of the…

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Jehovah’s Witness ‘Exercise Patience’ Conventions Return

Waterfalls Assembly Hall to Host the First Large Convention of since 2019 After a three-year pandemic pause, one of the largest convention organizations in the world has once again chosen Harare, among other places around the country to host its global three-day event, the 2023 “Exercise Patience”! Convention. Prior to 2019, winters across Zimbabwe were…

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Government committed to the maintenance of macro-economic stability

The Government remains committed to the maintenance of macroeconomic stability, preservation of the purchasing power of the Zimbabwe dollar, and restoration of trust and confidence in the economy. This emerged at the high-level dialogue meeting on the economy that officially opened by Dr. Misheck Sibanda, the Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet and NECF…

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National drug abuse fight gathers momentum

Writes Marlvin Ngiza Zimbabwe has since adopted the National Plan of Action on drug and substance abuse which was characterized by the decentralization of Law Enforcement Units specialized in drug and substance abuse response, capacitation of Zimbabwe Republic Police(ZRP) Forensic Laboratories, intensification of multi-sectoral awareness campaigns, resource mobilisation and immediate review and update of legal…

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Women and girls at high risk due to environmental stressors

Writes E.M. Kuyipa   The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women (1993) defines VAW as any act of gender-based violence that results in or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring…

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USAID and WFP Help 66 000 Hunger-Stricken Zimbabweans

Writes Evans Muranganwa Humanitarian agency, World Food Programme has received US$8.7 million for its 2023 Food for Assets programme from the United States government through USAID. Speaking at the handover ceremony, USAID acting mission director Mr. Ramses Gauthier said the donation will help food-insecure households in Rushinga, Masvingo, Kariba, Mwenezi and Zvishavane. “I  am honoured…

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Fear of rural-urban voter migration grips Karoi

Writes Nhau Mangirazi There is widespread fear of rural-urban voter migration amid allegations of suspected election fraud in Karoi town, an investigation has exposed. President Emerson Mnangagwa has proclaimed 23 August as the election date. A month-long investigation has revealed that some Zanu PF aspiring councillors are using ‘‘‘fake letters’ to transfer potential voters from…

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#HeforShe champions commit to gender equality and women’s empowerment

#HeForShe Champions have shared their experiences, exchanged ideas and best practices as well as affirmed and reaffirmed their commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment. This year’s Summit was hosted under the theme ‘Strengthening Partnerships for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment’. The summit explored strategies for cultivating and harnessing multi-stakeholder synergies for gender equality. The…

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Accelerate structural transformation of landlocked developing countries: Africa urged

Writes Baboloki Semele The Acting Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Antonio Pedro, says while African Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) have made some notable development progress, this has not been substantial enough to reach the goals and targets set out in the Vienna Programme of Action (VPoA) for Landlocked Developing Countries. Pedro…

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European and Pan-African parliaments agree on funding climate change

In a collaborative effort, the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) Permanent Committee on Rural Economy, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, and the Committee on Monetary and Financial Affairs have unanimously agreed to support the European Parliament’s Financial Transaction Tax on Climate Action (FTTCA) law. Their resolution further calls upon member countries of the European Union to adopt…

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Pan African Parliament deliberates on solutions to end conflict in Sudan

The Sudanese conflict, which broke off over a month ago, has left hundreds dead and hundreds of thousands either homeless or fleeing the country. Convening in Midrand for the Second Ordinary Session of the Sixth Parliament of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP), Pan-African Parliamentarians held a debate on the resurging armed conflicts on the African continent,…

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NetOne, Hope for the Future Foundation join hands on albinism

Own Correspondent People with albinism in Chipinge and surrounding areas last Saturday got a shot in the arm after they received life-saving relief from two entities that are sensitive to their plight. The two organizations, NetOne and Hope for the Future Foundation, provided critical products in the form of sunscreen lotions and lip balms to…

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