ICT Labs to improve schools’ digital knowledge, accessibility

The Minister of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier services, Dr. Jenfan Muswere on Tuesday commissioned two information communication technology (ICT) labs for Domboramwari High School and Epworth Primary School, a development aimed at assisting all learners to have easy access to and knowledge of ICTs not only in the classroom but virtually from any…

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ICT Ministry elevates Bulawayo to a digital giant

Motivated by a special obligation to make sure that all Zimbabweans, regardless of geographical location should have digital access, the Ministry of Information Communication Technology (ICT), Postal and Courier Services in Bulawayo yesterday launched and commissioned critical infrastructure in the city towards that goal. Bulawayo was fortunate to see the launch and commissioning of an…

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Industry 4.0: The 4 Emerging Technologies Transforming Manufacturing

By Bernard Marr Manufacturing has always been a technology-driven industry. But now more than ever, the forces of digital transformation are impacting every business, bringing new and exciting possibilities but also a great number of challenges. Four technologies, in particular, have the potential to be particularly revolutionary. Learning to effectively leverage them without falling foul…

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Harare City Council abandons service delivery: HRT

By Joyce Mukucha The residents of Harare have blamed the City Council for providing poor service delivery highlighting that expected critical needs such as refuse collection, adequate water, and sewer system management among others were not satisfying. This was revealed during a press club discussion organised by the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) in Harare…

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African Sun pledges support to ZTA on tourism recovery

Zimbabwe Tourism Authority Acting Chief Executive, Givemore Chidzidzi, and his team took time to meet with Peter Saungweme who was recently appointed CEO for hospitality giant African Sun Limited. The introductory meeting was led by the venerable outgoing mentor Ed Shangwa. In the meeting, both entities pledged to make provisions for collaborative efforts aimed at…

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M-Net, MultiChoice to train Zimbabwean filmmakers

Zimbabwean film-making teams are being invited to join an online workshop on all aspects of production, to be hosted by  M-Net and MultiChoice. MultiChoice Zimbabwe publicity and public relations manager Liz Dziva said the workshop would be run on Tuesday, February  1, with the deadline for registration the previous day, Monday, January 31. “The workshop is…

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African markets are more than meeting places for buyers and sellers

By Charles Dhewa Contrary to the formal definition of a market as a meeting place for buyers and sellers, an African market is more than a physical meeting place for farmers and traders. Some of its most important roles include food distribution, supporting rural development, and ensuring nutrition get to low-income populations who would otherwise…

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Pakistan investors eye big deals in Zimbabwe

By Desire Tshuma Pakistani investors have shown interest in the agriculture and mining sectors in Zimbabwe and have already been working in partnership with local companies in the country. The Pakistan investors are specializing in supplying and repairing agriculture and mining machinery. The machinery includes gold milling machinery, cranes, blasting equipment, and tractors for agricultural…

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T Freddy, rape accuser had a consensual sexual relationship: key state witness

Court Reporter  A key state witness in the trial of Goodness and Mercy Ministries visionary and founder, Prophet T Freddy on rape accusations has told the court that there was nothing worth arresting the accused for when police officers were called to a meeting at Chief Chikwaka’s homestead because from the discussion it was clear…

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Chitrest sues Chitungwiza Municipality

By Ronnie Chisamba The Chitungwiza Residents Trust (Chitrest) is suing the Chitungwiza Municipality for contempt of court following the destruction of illegal vending and other business structures in Zengeza earlier last week – in total disregard of a court order which ruled against the demolition process. Speaking on behalf of Chitrest, Alice Kuvheya (the organization’s…

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Protection of refugees and asylum-seekers critical: UNHCR top official

Supporting the Government’s efforts to protect and assist refugees and learn about the situation of refugees in the country dominated the visit of UNHCR’s Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, Gillian Triggs, to Zimbabwe from 19 to 21 January. Triggs met with partners, donors, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Frederick Makamure Shava, and…

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Advancing tourism in Kadoma: MCE Lodge charms the market

By Lovemore Chazingwa From the day it started operating, MCE Lodge has brought remarkable comfort to the market through services rollout within the serene surroundings of Kadoma. Arguably, the lodge is on a roller coaster in the hospitality industry with its customized services that match any top-of-the-range utility. It is located in the plush Mornington…

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ZTA engages SAZ for ISO certification

The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority has engaged the Standards Association of Zimbabwe to seek ISO Certification 9001/2015 quality management system. ISO certification of the National Tourism Authority dovetails with the National Tourism Recovery and Growth Strategy and is critical in the implementation of NDS1 as the nation focuses on Vision 2030. ZTA Acting Chief Executive, Givemore…

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Climate Financing to Increase Resilience to Negative Climate Change Impacts in Zimbabwe

Developing agriculture remains Zimbabwe’s most direct route to reducing poverty, hunger, and malnutrition given that 67% of the population resides in rural areas and relies on smallholder farming as a source of livelihood. The transformation of agriculture entails developing a robust sector that has mainstreamed mechanisms of reducing the vulnerability of and maintaining and increasing…

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EU organisations join forces with farmers to fight climate change

Working with European farmers Farmers, who are the stewards of the land, must be an integral part of the solutions for the European food systems of the future. They possess intimate knowledge of the land from years of experience and cross-generational information and are well-positioned to disseminate this knowledge. For this and many other reasons,…

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Elections credibility depends on the conduct of ZEC: Residents Associations

In its recent statement, the Residents Associations Coalition for Electoral Reforms (RACER) ahead of upcoming local government by-elections said the credibility of the plebiscite depends on the conduct of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC). According to RACER, the proclamation of the dates for by-elections provided a huge relief to residents across Zimbabwe who suffered from…

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Blitz nets over 500 for poor waste management

By Joyce Mukucha Following the ongoing National Clean-up Program and the nationwide blitz on poor waste management being conducted by the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) in partnership with the Zimbabwe Republic Police and local authorities, more than 500 people were arrested and prosecuted. EMA Senior Environmental Education and Publicity Officer who is also the acting…

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T Freddy trial: Chief Chikwaka conceals details of the alleged rape incident

Court Reporter The trial of Goodness Mercy Ministries leader Tapiwa Freddy on rape charges took a new twist today with second witness Chief Chikwaka acknowledging in court to have concealed crucial evidence and giving a false narrative of the alleged rape incident in a recorded interview with an online news publication. Defence counsel, Everson Chatambudza…

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George Charamba confirms state’s intention to silence Gukurahundi: Crisis Coalition

The Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC) has noted with great sadness recent utterances by the Deputy Chief Secretary for Presidential Communications, Mr George Charamba to the effect that the construction of a memorial plaque in honour of victims of the Gukurahundi genocide at Bhalagwe in Maphisa, Matabeleland South province is illegal.   On January 4,…

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Rabbit farming sustaining communities in Goromonzi South

By Tendai Guvamombe Communities in Goromonzi South have embraced rabbit farming with a view of addressing poverty. This follows the launch of the initiative by James Samhembere, the ZANU PF Secretary for Indigenous and Economic Empowerment in the area. Goromonzi South is located in the periphery of the capital city Harare and is under the…

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Private schools warned against unilaterally hiking fees, operating illegally

By Joyce Mukucha Various private schools operating in Harare Metropolitan Province have been warned that if they continue to hike fees without government approval and proper regulation, they will face the consequences. This comes as parents with children enrolled in private schools are raising a plethora of complaints against the operations of these institutions. In…

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#TisuMaShark role model Takunda Chiweza rallies youths to embrace entrepreneurship

If young people are successfully brought into the mainstream economy of Zimbabwe, the national drive to achieve middle-income economy status by 2030 is achievable, according to youth empowerment expert Takunda Chiweza.   He is the founder and president of the Young Africa Network, which helps young Zimbabweans achieve their dreams of becoming professionals and entrepreneurs,…

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AFAB Cataract campaigns on International Day of Elderly in Niger

As part of the celebration of the International Day of the Elderly, the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) (www.IsDB.org), the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD), and the Ministry of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs of Niger launched three cataract surgery campaigns in the regions of Dosso, Konni, and Maradi. These campaigns, financed by the…

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Transport minister supports crackdown on unregistered vehicles

Following the ongoing blitz on unregistered vehicles, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development has assured the nation that the country has in stock, enough number plates as it urges the public to register their motor vehicles. In a statement, the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Development Honourable Felix Mhona said his ministry has noted…

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ITC, Mercado Libre Partner to Boost the Digitalization of Women-Led Business

The International Trade Centre (ITC) and Mercado Libre today launched a partnership to enhance the digital literacy and market access of women-led businesses in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, and Mexico. The collaboration links ITC’s extensive network and technical expertise in global trade with Mercado Libre’s unparalleled market intelligence and track record of enabling e-commerce, delivering…

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MultiChoice expands hyperlocal territory

Pan-African entertainment company MultiChoice (MultiChoice.com) has further expanded its hyperlocal offering with the launch of two new TV channels – Maningue Magic and Kwenda Magic – for audiences in Mozambique and Angola respectively. The group’s long-established hyperlocal strategy is a multi-pronged, hybrid approach combining local content acquisition, local production, and the development of local content…

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Why price information on fresh food commodities should not be overlooked

By Charles Dhewa African agricultural policymakers have for decades preferred basing their decisions on prices of inputs like fertilizer, fuel, and seed as well as processed food products like bread, sugar, cooking oil, margarine, and others that are considered part of a family’s food basket. This tendency has ignored prices of fresh commodities like leafy…

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Correcting the anti-Zim finance narrative

By Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo There are dangers in the international financial system that defines the characteristics of economies based on the superficial conclusions of organisations deemed as thinktanks yet they are peddling propaganda. It is an unimaginable spectacle that leaves debates around the political economy of the finance sector tilted to the side of the…

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PSC Dismisses circulating information pertaining distribution of waiting numbers, cards for job-seekers

The Public Service Commission has noted with concern a message circulating on social media masquerading as a Commission announcement that youths who are seeking employment in Government should come to the Ministry of Youth, Sports, Arts, and Recreation today (Monday, 17 January 2022) where they will be given waiting list numbers and cards by the…

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YEMAP dismisses Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition election results as botched

By Goodwell Kazingizi The coordinator of the Youth Empowerment Management and Protection Trust (YEMAP), an affiliate of the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC), Pride Mkono has dismissed the results of the elections recently announced by the Elections Resource Centre (ERC) as botched. The disputed elections which were held virtually on the 12th of January this…

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