Philanthropist Smelly Dube positively impacts communities


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Professor Smelly Dube is edging ahead with her philanthropic work with the latest developments being a donation of duty materials to Midlands police and an intervention of lifeline to a dumped Shurugwi baby.
Previously she has done more charity work which includes funding a rolling scholarship programme for needy children mostly from child-headed families as well as taking care of many widows.
The donation to police included a truckload of stationery, fuel and other office accessories that are essential for producing dockets of suspects to speed up the endeavors of ending crime.
The handover ceremony of the materials was held in Gweru last week at a colourful ceremony at the  Rivervalley Group of Companies at Saguga Complex in Gweru officiated by Prof Dube on behalf of Group Chairman Eng Dr. Mncedisi  Dube and attended by senior police officers from the Midlands.
The Shurugwi baby girl was rescued alive after being dumped in a bush near Donga Business Centre amid interventions from the River Valley Properties Chief Executive Officer, Professor Dube who donated basic needs and cash towards her upkeep.
Prof Dube was informed of the predicament of the baby which had no clothes, blankets, or milk to be fed on.
She visited the hospital and donated clothes, food and cash among other basic needs.
Prof Dube said she was touched by the innocent infant’s need for assistance.
“On behalf of River Valley Properties we have donated those items for the baby to be comfortable and we are going to continue assisting the baby through other orphanage projects we are supporting,” she said.
Police attended the scene and found the baby dumped in a Gumtree plantation inside a white plastic bag wrapped in a black jacket.
Police officers took the baby to Zvamabande Hospital for medical attention and she was found to be in good health. The baby was later transferred to Shurugwi District Hospital.
In the past Shurugwi District Hospital received a donation of bed linen and other items from Prof Dube’s company to spruce up the image of the hospital wards that had been turned into a COVID-19 facility.
Ahead of Christmas last year, about 110 beneficiaries drawn from widows and people with disabilities residing in Shurugwi and Gweru districts got food hampers consisting of cooking oil, mealie meal, soaps, drinks, toiletries, rice, sugar, and salt among other necessities worth thousands of dollars from Prof Dube through River Valley Properties.
Prof Dube’s philanthropic and professional work has been recognized in the continent and even beyond.
Early this year, she was awarded a Hall of Fame Woman of the Year 2024 Global Excellence award at the Leaders Without Borders Economic Development Summit and International Honours Business Summit which was held in the United Kingdom.
Prof Dube received the accolade at a colourful ceremony which was held at the House of Lords, Palace in Westminister.
The Global Excellence Awards honour individuals making significant impact on the global stage across various fields, such as technology, business, politics, arts, and mining.
Prof Dube also bagged the Leaders Without Borders accolade at last year`s business summit.
Before that, she was awarded the Entrepreneur of the Year Award at the 13th African Achievers’ Awards held at the House of Lords, London, the United Kingdom as her philanthropist star continued to shine in the international arena.
The African Achievers’ Awards has over the years grown into a prestigious platform highlighting the achievements and impacts of Africans who have gone the extra mile to transform their communities and beyond.