POTRAZ brings smiles to the less privileged in Gwanda

The Postal and Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) today handed over groceries and personnel protective equipment (PPE) to the less privileged and vulnerable members of the Gwanda Community, which is being done under the Authority’s Corporate Social Responsibility program.

By way of background, POTRAZ last year established a Corporate Social Responsibility unit that would spearhead the Authority`s charity and philanthropy activities.

“As a good corporate citizen, the establishment of Corporate Social Responsibility unit at POTRAZ was muted as a way of giving back to communities we operate from and help in the fight against hunger, poverty, and many other social constraints affecting communities in Zimbabwe,” Dr. Gift Machengere, the POTRAZ Director-General addressed beneficiaries and delegates at the event.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it extremely difficult for communities to sustain themselves economically since the global lockdowns began, thus thrusting many into poverty. It is with no doubt that, vulnerable people such as those living with disabilities have been the hardest hit.

It is in this regard, that POTRAZ, through its Corporate Social Responsibility program, is assisting those most affected by COVID–19 in the communities, with beneficiaries being identified by the Ministry of Public Works, Labour and Social Welfare through their district offices.

Today, the Authority handed over an assortment of foodstuffs and toiletries as well as PPE including face masks and hand sanitizers to beneficiaries.

“It is our hope that this support will, in some small way, ease the strain that has been brought by the deadly COVID-19 pandemic where people living with disability have not been able to work or sell their wares in the market place. This donation is in line with the Authority’s thrust of uplifting the lives of vulnerable groups and helping to build sustainable livelihoods for marginalized sections of our society.

“Ladies and gentlemen, apart from such donations, POTRAZ is also assisting in the fight against COVID–19, by coordinating ICT industry efforts towards equipping the two national COVID–19 call centres established by the Ministry of Health and Child Care and the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services. Additionally, the Authority donated rubbish bins to city councils for deployment at quarantine centres and shopping centres. Additionally, in the wake of COVID – 19, POTRAZ has continued with the roll-out of Community Information Centres in order to afford communities access to accurate information about the deadly Corona Virus.”

Dr. Machengete urged people to observe the recommended World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Ministry of Health guidelines on COVID–19. 

“Regularly wash their hands for at least 30 seconds using soap and running water, regularly sanitize your hands, observe social distancing at all times, and always wear a face mask properly while in public.”

Hon. Abednico Ncube, the Matabeleland South Provincial Affairs Minister thanked POTRAZ for the support which he said came in handy since the area is prone to droughts.

“ladies and gentlemen, the province has had successive droughts over the past years, leaving many families vulnerable. This has been exacerbated by the negative effects of the pandemic. The POTRAZ donation will go a long way in helping people with disabilities who are most vulnerable to these challenges,” Hon. Ncube said.