As Zimbabwe battles shortages of essential medicines and drugs in hospitals, one of the gallant children of the soil, Prof Jacob Mufunda is devoting his time and expertise to improve the health outcomes for the people of his area in Chikuku in the Bikita District of Masvingo Province.
Spiked Online Media has been tracking the works of Prof Mufunda and realised that apart from being a renowned professor of medicine and general medical practitioner, the man is a philanthropist who cares more about the wellbeing of others.
“My heart bleeds when I see my people suffer. The economic hardships have not spared the rural folks. Apart from hunger, there is a worrying shortage of essential medicines and drugs in clinics and hospitals countrywide. Most medical experts have left the country in search of greener pastures but I feel I have an obligation to give back to my community,” Prof Mufunda said.
Prof Jacob Mufunda was born and bred in Muchakazikwa Village, one of the catchment areas of Chikuku Rural Hospital in Bikita District about 35 kilometres from Nyika Growth Point on the Mavingo-Mutare Highway.
He decided in 2018 to start social responsibility to his community by providing once-a-month medical and health services at Chikuku Rural Hospital being conducted on the last Saturday of every month.
The first was on a Monday the 24th of December 2018. Since then, monthly visits have been conducted, with a total of 4 so far and the next scheduled for 29 April 2019.
The largest turnout was on 23 February 2019 where more than 100 clients sought medical services from the general practitioner.
“The available medicines for the common ailments are insufficient. The commonest ailments are arthritis presenting as backache, joint pains as well as noncommunicable diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes especially. I request additional resources to make my mission successful,” Prof Mufunda said.
Spiked publishes Prof Mufunda’s illustrious Curriculum Vitae below:
Curriculum Vitae for Prof Jacob Mufunda
Date of birth: 9 November 1957
Contact address: PO Box 1106, GWERU.
33 Sixth Street GWERU
Current position: Professor of Physiology Midlands State University Faculty of Medicine GWERU
Contact email and phone: [email protected]
Academic Qualifications: MBChB (UZ);
PhD (Mich State, USA);
Member College of Primary Care Physicians (Zimbabwe)
Postgrad Cert Global Health Diplomacy (Geneva);
Postgrad Cert Emerg Med (New Zealand)
- As the Dean of Medicine, the inaugural Five Year Strategic Plan for The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zimbabwe (1996-2000) that directed the establishment of the College of Health Sciences of the University of Zimbabwe was developed. The process attracted US$17 million from the Spanish protocol. I progressed from lecturer to Professor of Physiology and Dean in 14 years
- On behalf of the WHO Regional Office for Africa, developed and field tested an education evaluation tool for medical students in Africa in 2000; in my capacity as Dean of Medicine UZ
- Supported the establishment of Orotta School of Medicine/Dentistry in Asmara, Eritrea in my capacity as WHO Professor of Physiology and Research. I lectured the entire physiology course to medical and dental students (2004-2008). I published more than 30 scientific manuscripts based on experiences encountered
- In my capacity as Coordinator/Founding Dean of the University Of Namibia School Of Medicine supported the establishment of the University Of Namibia School Of Medicine. I lectured Physiology and research to medical students (2008-09).
- Supported the development of the current National Policy on Non Communicable Diseases in Zimbabwe, and another in Eritrea
- Spearheaded the establishment of the Lesotho School of Medicine in partnership with UZ College of Health Sciences, during my tenure as the WHO Representative in Lesotho. I lectured Physiology and research to medical students (2010-13)
- As the WHO Representative for Sierra Leone, announced the largest and most complex EBOLA outbreak in Sierra Leone and reorganized redeployment of staff and partners to epicentres (2014)
- Based on EBOLA lessons learnt Reorganized the Zambia WHO and deployed surveillance to regions to facilitate the easy response to disease outbreaks (2015) in my capacity of WHO Representative
- Organized the largest Cholera Vaccination Campaign in Zambia in 2016, in my capacity as WHO Rep. I published more than 20 scientific manuscripts based on experiences including Ebola.
- Commissioned by WHO Regional Office for Africa to support accreditation of the College of Health and Medical Sciences of the State University of Zanzibar 2017
2018-todate: Part-time Professor of Physiology Midlands State University, and Part-time General Medical Practitioner, Gweru, ZIMBABWE
2017-2017: Senior Programme Management Officer at WHO African Regional Office in Brazzaville
2014-2017: Head of WHO Country Office Zambia
2014-2014: Acting Head of WHO Country Office Mozambique
2013-2014: Head of WHO Country Office Sierra Leone
2010-2013: Head of WHO Country Office Kingdom of Lesotho
2009-2010: WHO Professor /Advisor for Research in Ministry of Health Orotta School of Medicine Eritrea
2008-2009: Coordinator/Founding Dean of the University of Namibia School of Medicine
2004-2008: WHO Professor/Research Advisor in Ministry of Health, Orotta School of Medicine, Eritrea
2002-2004: Medical Officer Emergency at Thames Hospital, New Zealand
1995-2001: Dean School of Medicine, University of Zimbabwe
1972-1975: Secondary school education at Silveira Secondary School, Bikita, MASVINGO
1976-1977: Advanced Level Education at Gokomere High School, Masvingo
1978-1982: Undergraduate Medical Education at University of Zimbabwe School of Medicine
1984-1988: Postdoctoral graduate studies at Michigan State University, East Lansing United States
1998-2004: MBA studies at the Graduate School of Management, University of Zimbabwe
2003-2003: Accident/Medicare Course at Medical Sciences University of Auckland New Zealand
2012-12: Global Health Diplomacy at University of Geneve
1988-1991: Lecturer Department of Physiology (UZ)
1991-1994: Chairman Department of Physiology (UZ)
1993-1994: Deputy Dean of Medicine and Senior Lecturer and Chairman of Physiology (UZ)
1995- 2001: Dean of Medicine and Professor of Physiology University of Zimbabwe
2004-2010: WHO Professor of Physiology and Research, Orotta School of Medicine, in Eritrea
- PhD Thesis: Blood pressure sensitivity to dietary sodium in Zimbabwean men. Department of Physiology, Michigan State University, 1988
- Master’s in Business Administration Dissertation: Performance appraisal at the University of Zimbabwe: constraints in public sector corporate governance. University of Zimbabwe, Graduate School of Management
- Somova L, Mufunda J, Neill P, Musabayane C.T. Pathogenesis of systemic (essential) hypertension in Zimbabwean hypertensive patients. I. Humoral factors. Central African Journal of Medicine, 1991; 37 (11): 377-83.
- Mufunda J, Chimoskey J E, Matenga J, Musabayane C T and Sparks H V. Blood Pressure Response to acute changes in dietary sodium in young Zimbabwean men. Journal of Hypertension, 1992; 10: 279-85.
- Somova L, and Mufunda J. Renin-Angiotensin- Aldosterone system and prostacyclin/thromboxane A2 in normotensive and hypertensive black Zimbabweans. Ethnicity and Disease, 1992; 2: 27 – 34.
- Sigola L.B., J.O. Adewuyi and J. Mufunda. Plasma fibrinogen levels, leucocyte and platelet counts in male Zimbabwean hypertensives. Centr. Afr. J Med, 1992; 38(12): 447-50.
- Mufunda J, Sparks HV. Salt Sensitivity and hypertension in African blacks. In: Fray JCS and Douglas JC editors. Pathophysiology of Hypertension in Blacks. New York, NY Oxford University Press; 1993; 143-165.
- Mufunda J, Somova L, and J. Chifamba. Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Urbanisation related hypertension and the sodium pressor response in blacks in Zimbabwe. S. Afr. Med J, 1993; 83(7): 507-510.
- Somova L, and Mufunda J. Platelet activity and Salt Sensitivity in the pathogenesis of systemic (essential) hypertension in black Africans. Clin. Exp Hypertension 1993; 15(5): 781-796.
- Mufunda J, Chimoskey J, Fink G and Sparks H V. Blood pressure sensitivity to dietary sodium chloride in rural and urban Zimbabwean men. Ethnicity disease, 1993: (3): 546-559.
- Mufunda J, Sigola L.B, Chifamba J and Vengesa P.M. Aspects of insulin resistance in urbanisation-related hypertension in Zimbabwe: a preliminary report. J Human Hypertension 1994; 8:481-484.
- Sigola L.B., Mufunda J, Adewuyi JO and Keogh E. Factor VII, Antithrombin III, Leukocyte and Platelet Counts in a sample of black and white Zimbabwean Blood Donors. Thrombosis Research, 1994; 75(1):73-79.
- Mufunda J, Chifamba J, Chitate N, Sigola L.B, and Vengesa P.M.V. Hyperinsulinemia: possible cause of high blood pressure in unemployed urban black women. High Blood pressure, 1995; 4: 137-140.
- L. Somova, J. Mufunda. Renin-sodium profile and renal prostaglandins in the pathogenesis of systemic arterial hypertension in blacks. S. Afr Med J, 1994; 84: 491-494.
- J. Mufunda, J. Chifamba, L Somova and HV Sparks Jr, Hypertension and Cardiovascular disease in migrating population. Migration within Africa. High Blood Pressure, 1995; (4): 46-49.
- B. Sparks, J Mufunda, CT Musabayane, HV Sparks, K Mahomed and JM Hunter. Prevalence of hypertension among women in rural Zimbabwe: a comparison of pregnant and non-pregnant women. Centr. Afr. J. Med, 1996; 42(4): 92 – 96.
- L. Somova and J Mufunda. Ethnic differences of renin sodium profile and renal prostaglandins in the pathogenesis of systemic arterial hypertension. Centr. Afr. J Med, 1996; 42(6): 170 – 175
- J Mufunda, B Sparks, J Chifamba, C Dakwa, JM Adams and HV Sparks. Comparison of the Omron 713 blood pressure monitor with the auscultatory method using the mercury manometer. Centr. Afr. J. Med, 1996; 42(8): 230 – 232.
- Cooper R, Puras A, Tracy J, Kaufman J, Asuzu M, Ordunez P, Mufunda J and Sparks H. Evaluation of an electronic blood pressure device for epidemiologic studies. Blood pressure monitoring, 1997; 2: 35 – 40.
- Kaufman J, M Asuzu, J Mufunda, T Forrester, R Wilks, A Luke, A Long and R Cooper. The relationship between blood pressure and body mass index in lean populations. Hypertension 1997; 30: 1511-16.
- Mufunda J, J Chifamba, N Chitate and P M Vengesa. Salt sensitivity is not associated with hyperinsulinemia in a sample of rural black Zimbabweans. South African Medical Journal, 1998; 88 (3): 361 – 364.
- Chifamba J, J Mufunda, L Sigola, J Matenga and H V Sparks. Effect of variation in Environmental temperature on blood pressure: Is it important? Central African Journal of Medicine, 1998; 44(2): 37 – 40.
- Osim EE, C T Musabayane, and J Mufunda. Lung Function of Zimbabwean Farm Workers Exposed to Flue Curing and Stacking of Tobacco Leaves. South African Medical Journal, 1998; 88: 1127-1131.
- Cooper R, T Forrester and J Mufunda. Angiotensinogen Levels and Obesity in Four black Populations. Journal of Hypertension, 1998; 16(5): 571-75.
- Mufunda J, L J Scott, J Chifamba, J Matenga, B Sparks, R Cooper and H Sparks. Determinates of blood pressure in a Zimbabwean population. J Human Hypertension 2000;14(1):65-73.
- Hunter, B Sparks, J Mufunda, C Musabayane, H Sparks and K Mahomed. Economic Development and Women’s Blood Pressure: Field Evidence from Rural Mashonaland, Zimbabwe. Soc Sci Med, 2000; 50(6):773-95.
- Mufunda J. In depth analysis. Recent increase in antihypertensive treatment has lowered the prevalence of HT and LVH. International trends in Hypertension, 2000; 11: 11-12.
- Hwang KK, LJ Scott, J Chifamba, J Mufunda, WS Spielman and HV Sparks. Microalbiminuria in urban Zimbabwean women. Journal of Human Hypertension, 2000; 14; 587-593.
- Ounpuu S, A Negassa, S Yusuf for INTER-HEART Investigators including J Mufunda. INTER-HEART: A global study of risk factors for acute myocardial infarction. American Heart Journal, 2001;141: 711-21.
- Mufunda J. IN DEPTH ANALYSIS. Systolic hypertension is more prevalent in the middle aged and elderly. International trends in Hypertension, 2001; 16:14-15.
- Mufunda J. INDEPTH ANALYSIS. Predicting value of microalbuminuria for end-organ damage in hypertension. International trends in Hypertension, 2003; 20:16-17.
- Mufunda J and Lennane J. Spontaneous haemopneumothorax: will it ever be common enough to arouse clinical suspicion? A case report. N Z Med J. 2003;12:116.
- Mufunda J, Nyarango P et al. Non-communicable diseases in Africa: a silent hypertension epidemic in Eritrea. Journal of Human Hypertension. 2005; 19: 255-6.
- Mufunda J, Nyarango P et al. Continuing communicable disease burden in Eritrea. S Afr Med J, 2006; 96: 221-224.
- Mufunda J et al Prevalence of hypertension in Eritrea and its relationship with obesity: Results from a national blood pressure survey. J Human Hypertens 2006;20(1):59-65.
- Mufunda J et al. Emerging Non-Communicable Disease Epidemic in Africa: Preventive Measures from the WHO Regional Office for Africa. Ethn Dis, 2006; 16: 521-26.
- Usman A, Mebrahtu G, Mufunda J et al. Prevalence of Non Communicable Disease Risk Factors in Eritrea, Ethn Dis, 2006; 16: 542-46.
- Usman A, Mufunda J et al. Meningococcal meningitis outbreak in Eritrea. Communicable Dis Bulletin for the African Region. 2005; 3:1-3.
- Usman A, Mufunda J et al. Recurrent epidemics in Kano, Nigeria. Centr Afric J Med 2005; 51: 34-8.
- Ndambakuwa Y, Mufunda J. Performance appraisal system impact on university academic staff job satisfaction and productivity. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 2006; 19(1): 117-26.
- Mufunda J et al. Prevalence of NCDs in Zimbabwe: data from central data and regional survey. Ethn Dis 2006; 16: 718-22.
- Nyarango P, Mufunda J et al. A steep decline of malaria morbidity and mortality trends in Eritrea between 2000 and 2004: the effect of combination of control methods. Malaria journal, 2006; 5:33.
- Ogbe Z, Nyarango P and Mufunda J. Pattern of neurological diseases as seen in outpatient children: the experiences from Orotta Referral Hospital, Asmara, Eritrea. J Eritrean Medical Association, JEMA. 2006; 1: 11-16.
- Andemichael G, Mufunda J et al. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice towards skilled care attendance among women of reproductive age group in Asmara. Journal of Eritrean Medical Association JEMA. 2006; 1: 47-49.
- Mufunda J. Body mass index and blood pressure, where are we now? Invited Commentary by the Journal of Human Hypertension. J Hum Hypertens. 2007; 21: 5-7.
- Mufunda J et al. Roll back malaria – an African success story in Eritrea. S Afr Med J. 2007; 97: 46-50.
- Mufunda J et. al. Prevalence of tobacco use in Eritrea, result from a national NCD risk factor survey. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2007; 9(7): 777-9.
- Mufunda J, Nyarango P, Usman A, Gebremeskel T, Mebrahtu G, Ogbamariam A, Kosia A, Ghebrat Y, Gebresillosie S, Goitom S, Araya E, Andemichael G, Gebremichael A. Roll back malaria–an African success story in Eritrea. S Afr Med J. 2007; 97(1):46-50.
- Mufunda J. Body mass index and blood pressure: where are we now? J Hum Hypertens. 2007; 21(1):5-7.
- Zemichael O, Nyarang’o P, Mufunda J. Cracking the whip on childhood mortality–role of the specialized neonatal unit in Eritrea. Acta Paediatr. 2008; 97(7):838-43.
- Usman A, Mufunda J et al. Meningococcal meningitis outbreak in Eritrea. Communicable Dis Bulletin for the African Region. 2005; 3:1-3.
- Mufunda J, Chatora R, Ndambakuwa Y, Nyarango P, Chifamba J, Kosia A, Sparks HV. Prevalence of noncommunicable diseases in Zimbabwe: results from analysis of data from the National Central Registry and Urban Survey. Ethn Dis. 2006; 16(3):718-22.
- Nyarango PM, Gebremeskel T, Mebrahtu G, Mufunda J, Abdulmumini U, Ogbamariam A, Kosia A, Gebremichael A, Gunawardena D, Ghebrat Y, Okbaldet Y. A steep decline of malaria morbidity and mortality trends in Eritrea between 2000 and 2004: the effect of combination of control methods. Malar J. 2006; 5:33.
- Mufunda J, Nyarango P, Kosia A, Ogbamariam A, Mebrahtu G, Usman A, Gebresillosie S, Goitom S, Araya E, Andemichael G, Gebremichael A. Continuing communicable disease burden in Eritrea. S Afr Med J. 2006; 96(3):221-4.
- Ndambakuwa Y, Mufunda J. Performance appraisal system impact on university academic staff job satisfaction and productivity. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 2006; 19(1): 117-26.
- Mufunda J, Mebrahtu G, Usman A, Nyarango P, Kosia A, Ghebrat Y, Ogbamariam A, Masjuan M, Gebremichael A. The prevalence of hypertension and its relationship with obesity: results from a national blood pressure survey in Eritrea. J Hum Hypertens. 2006; 20(1):59-65.
- Ghirmay A.Michael, Andrew Kosia, Abdulmumini, Jacob Mufunda, Peter Nyarango. Knowledge, Attitudes and practices towards skilled care attendance among women of reproductive age group in Eritrea. JEMA 2006; 1: 47-50
- Yohannes Ghebrat, Goitom Mebrahtu, Andrew Kosia, Jacob Mufunda, Abdulmumini Usman, Jerom OOmen. Bottlenecks in the provision of quality mental health services in Eritrea. JEMA. 2008;3:15-19.
- Abraham Kebedom, Tadesse Teclebirhan, Tsegai Tekest, Berhane Zekarias, Jacob Mufunda, Andemariam Gebremichael. Recent lessons learnt from the outbreak of brucellosis in Dekamhare, Anseba, Eritrea. JEMA. 2008; 3: 19-21.
- Eyob Frezghi, Yordanos Mengesha, Yirgalem Tekle, Dawit Tesfay, Jacob Mufunda, Andemariam Gebremichael. Incidence of pneumonia and gastroenteritis among infants admitted to Orotta Pediatric Hospital in Asmara, Eritrea in 2006. JEMA. 2008; 3: 28-32.
- Asmerom Tesfamariam, Francisca Parilla, Estifanos Paulos, Jacob Mufunda, Andemariam Gebremichael. Clinicohistopathological evaluation of breast masses and profile of breast diseases in Eritrea: a case of poor concordance between clinical and histological diagnosis. JEMA. 2008; 3: 32-35.
- Hans Habtai, MD; Tadesse Teclebirhan, MD; Berhe Hebtezghi, MD; Jacob Mufunda, MBChB, MBA, PhD. Vaginal Bleeding In 6 Years Old Young Female: Diagnostic Challenge. JEMA. 2009; 4: 11-18
- Abraham Kebedom MD; Tadesse Teclebirhan MD; Winta Beyene; Jacob Mufunda, MD; Andemariam Gebremicheal, Ph.D A Review on applicability of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses guideline in Ghindae town, Northern Red Sea, Eritrea, 2008. JEMA. 2009; 4: 23-26
- Hans Habtai, Tewolde Ghebremeskel, Selam Mihreteab, Jacob Mufunda, Andemariam Ghebremichael. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) about malaria among people visiting Referral Hospitals of Eritrea. JEMA. 2009; 3: 33-48.
- Andemichael Ghirmay; Sow Idrissa; Berhana Haile; Kosia Andrew; Mufunda Jacob Maternity waiting homes: A panacea for maternal/neonatal conundrums in Eritrea. JEMA. 2009; 4: 60-65
- Abraham Kebedom, Tadesse Teclebirhan, Berhe Habtemicheal, Eyob Habtemicheal , Prof. Jacob Mufunda , and Prof Andemariam Gebremicheal. The quality of water served in the Orotta National Referral Hospital. JEMA. 2009; 3: 78-82
- Tadesse Teclebirhan, Araia Berhane, Jacob Mufunda, Andemariam Gebremichael. Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS in Eritrea: the Eritrean experience. JEMA. 2009; 3: 71-75
- Seyum B, Mebrahtu G, Usman A, Mufunda J, Tewolde B, Haile S, Kosia A, Negassi E. Profile of patients with diabetes in Eritrea: results of first phase registry analyses. Acta Diabetologica. 2010; 47: 23-27.
- Keating J, Locatelli A, Gebremichael A, Ghebremeskel T, Mufunda J, Mihreteab S, Berhane D, Carneiro P. Evaluating indoor residual spray for reducing malaria infection prevalence in Eritrea: results from a community randomized control trial. Acta Trop. 2011;119(2-3):107-13.
- Jephat Chifamba, Kudakwashe E Chakanyuka, Jacob Mufunda, and Caroline Maponga. Comparison of exercise induced hypertension in low birth weight and normal birth weight young black adults. High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev. 2012;19(3):123-770.
- Asmerom Tesfamariam, Andemariam Gebremichael, Jacob Mufunda. Breast cancer clinicopathological presentation, gravity and challenges in Eritrea, East Africa: Management practice in a resource-poor setting. S Afr Med J 2013; 103 (8):526-528.
- Jacob Mufunda, Yohannes Ghebrat, Abdulmumini Usman, Goitom Mebrahtu, Asmera Gebresellasie. Underestimation of prevalence of raised blood sugar from history compared to biochemical estimation: support for the WHO rule of halves in a population based survey in Eritrea of 2009. SpringerPlus 2015; 4: 723
- A Usman, G Mebrahtu, A Tesfazion, A Gebresellasie, Y Ghebrat, Y Sium, B Tewolde, J Mufunda. Complex relationships between boday mass index and blood pressure in a lean population in Eritrea. Jacobs Journal of Obesity. 2015; 1(3):020
- Freddie Masaninga, Mary Katepa Bwalya, Sarai Malumo, Busiku Hamainza, Peter Songoloa, Mulakwa Kamuliwo, Martin Meremikwu, Lawrence Kazembe, Jacob Mufunda, Olusegun Ayorinde Babaniyi.
Increased uptake of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in pregnant women in Zambia (2006-2012): Potential determinants and highlight of lessons learnt. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine; 2016; 10.1016/j.apjtb.2016.01.010
- Jacob Mufunda; Yustina Ndambakuwa; Davison Munodawafa; Aminata Kobie. Health workers succumbed to the deadly Ebola disease during the early stages of the 2014 outbreak in Sierra Leone in spite of training, what are the lessons learned. International Research Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 2016; 1:1-6
- Jacob Mufunda; Yustina Ndambakuwa; Davison Munodawafa; Aminata Kobie. Is a Total Ban on Business and Consumption of Bushmeat a Sustainable End Game for Ebola Outbreak in West Africa: But Why Now? Public Health Open J. 2016; 1: 4-7
- Murebwa R, Mufunda J et al. WHO AFRO Transformation agenda at work: a test case in the investigation of a suspected case of Ebola Viral Disease that turned out negative. Ejpmr. 2016; 3: 72-5.
- Mufunda J, Ndambakuwa Y, Munodawafa D, Kobie A. Irrationality of efforts to appease the deceased triggered community resistance to efforts designed to break chain of transmission during early stages of the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone. Interlink Continental J. Med. Med. Sci. 2016; 2: 1-4.
- Mufunda J et al. Lessons learned from short-lived transfer of maternal and child health services from Ministry of Health to Ministry of Community Development in Zambia provide guidance for deepening of decentralization. International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Health. 2016; 3:146-150
- Mufunda J, Ndambakuwa Y. Risk of contracting Ebola and the global Zika virus threat are putting maternal instinct to the test: a call for a global resource envelope for targeted sustainable interventions. Ejpmr. 2016;3: 62-6
- Masaninga F, Mufunda J et al. Increased uptake of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in pregnant women in Zambia (2006–2012): Potential determinants and highlight of lessons. APJTB 2016; 6: 620–624
- ML Mazaba ML, J Mufunda et al. Echoviruses diagnosed in two children presenting with Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP): An illustration of the evolving role of Zambian surveillance programme in the absence of polio. Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43: 47-9
- M Musumali, A Sikazwe, M Sibonde, JK Chime, F Masaninga, ML Mazaba, J Mufunda. Progress of WHO Zambia towards the WHO Reforms through Transformation Agenda Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43: 50-56
- A Mtonga, P Mwaba, MLM Mazaba, E Chizema, M Kapina, S Mwangala, A Silumesi, F Masaninga, T Masuka, L Hachambwa, O Siddiqi, I Mweene-Ndumba, JS Kachimba, B Vwalika, S Kagulura, P Songolo, J Mufunda. Increased Sensitization of Health Workers Leading to Detection of Unintended Cases of Acute Flaccid Paralysis: A Case of a “Konzo” Outbreak in Western Zambia 57-60
- RM Chirambo, J Mufunda, P Songolo, JS Kachimba, B Vwalika. Epidemiology of the 2016 Cholera Outbreak of Chibombo District, Central Zambia. Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43: 61-63
- P Mwambi, J Mufunda, M Lupili, K Bangwe, F Bwalya, ML Mazaba. Timely Response and Containment of 2016 Cholera Outbreak in Northern Zambia Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43: 64-69
- I Mweene-Ndumba, ML Mazaba, B Matapo, MR Chirambo, P Mwambi, P Musumbu, F Masaninga, P. Songolo, J Mufunda, M Monze. Acute Flaccid Paralysis Surveillance in Zambia: Progress towards the Polio End Game. Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43: 70-75
- F Masaninga, M Mwendaweli, B Mweetwa, N. Mweemba, P Songolo, S Kagulula, JS Kachimba, B Vwalika, J Mufunda. Impact of the WHO Technical Support Towards Malaria Elimination in Zambia. Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43: 76-81
- T Sokesi, K Malama, F Masaninga, B Vwalika, JS Kachimba, J Mufunda, P Songolo. Lessons Learnt From the Implementation of Mass Drug Administration for Schistosomiasis and Soil- Transmitted Helminths in Lusaka Province, Zambia. Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43: 82-87
- ML Mazaba, P Mwaba, B Droti, S Kagulura, C Makasa, F Masaninga, JS Kachimba, B Vwalika, J Mufunda. Leveraging Existing Laboratory Capacity towards Universal Health Coverage: A Case of Zambian Laboratory Services. Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43: 88-93
- W. Mudenda, E. Chikatula, E. Chambula, B. Mwanashimbala, M. Chikuta, F. Masaninga, P Songolo, B. Vwalika, J.S. Kachimba, J. Mufunda, B. Mweetwa. Prescribing Patterns and Medicine Use at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia. Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43: 94-102
- JK Chime, P Munyati, M Katepa-Bwalya, M Musumali, B Mweetwa, S Kagulura, JS Kachimba, B Vwalika, J Mufunda. Using E-Learning for Skills Transfer, Motivation and Retention of Health Workers in Zambia. Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43: 103-105
- A Zulu, C Sipangule, M Siboonde, M Musumali, F Chituta, S Kagulula, ML Mazaba, F Masaninga, B Vwalika, JS Kachimba, J Mufunda. Preparedness of Response to Deadly Outbreaks: Lessons Learnt From Zambia’s Deployment to the 2014 African Ebola Outbreak. Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43: 105-108
- A Sikazwe, M Musumali, M Siboonde, JK Chime, R Chabala, J Mufunda. Improved Financial Probity in the Health Sector Following the WHO Reforms in Zambia. Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43: 109-112
- M Siboonde, M Musumali, A Sikazwe, J Mufunda. Adaptable Lessons Learnt on Procurement from Deployment to a Deadly Emergency Outbreak: The Case of Sierra Leone during Ebola Outbreak 2015. Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43: 113-15
- J Mufunda. Adaptation of the Transformation Agenda of World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa to the Zambian context. Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43: i-iii
- Usman a, Mufunda J et al. Dengue fever outbreaks in Eritrea,2005–2015 A case for strengthening surveillance, control and reporting. Global Health Research and Policy (2016) 1:17
- B Matapo, E Chizema, B.M. Hangombe, K Chishimba, A.M. Mwiinde, I Mwanamwalye, G Zulu, K Malama, J Mufunda, C.M. Muzongwe, F.M. Kabinga, O Chewe, B Vwalika Successful multi-partner response to a cholera outbreak in Lusaka, Zambia 2016: a case control study. Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43(3): 116-22
- A Mwanamwenge, P Masumbu, F.D. Mwansa, F Masaninga, M.L. Mazaba, P Songolo, J.S. Kachimba, B Vwalika, J Mufunda Evaluation of the implementation of the reaching every district approach in routine immunisation in Lusaka District, Zambia. Medical Journal of Zambia 2016; 43(3): 152-55
- Murebwa Chirambo R, Mwanza R, Mwinuna C, Mazaba ML, Mweene-Ndumba I, Mufunda J. Occurrence of cholera in Lukanga fishing camp, Kapiri-mposhi district, Zambia. Health Press Zambia Bull. 2017; 1:56-63
- Chisanga J, Mazaba ML, Mufunda J, Besa C, Kapambwe-muchemwa MC, Siziya S. Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns and their correlate for urinary tract infection pathogens at Kitwe Central Hospital, Zambia. Health Press Zambia Bull. 2017; 1: 28-38
- Mwambi PEM, Mufunda J, Mwaba P, Kasese-Chanda N, Mumba CM, Kalumbi T, et al. Cutaneous Anthrax outbreak in Chama District, Muchinga province, Zambia, 2016 as history repeats itself. Health Press Zambia Bull. 2017; 1: 38-50
- Mufunda J, Samkange C, Sigola L, Matchaba R. Lessons learnt during the establishment of the College of Health Sciences of the University of Zimbabwe 1995-2001. EJPMR 2017; 4:155-9
- Marc Poncin; Gideon Zulu; Caroline Voute; Eva Ferreras; Clara Mbwili Muleya; Kennedy Malama; PEZZOLI, Lorenzo; MUFUNDA, Jacob; Hugues Robert; Florent Uzzeni; Francisco Luquero; Elizabeth Chizema; Iza Ciglenecki. Implementation research: the feasibility of a single dose mass cholera vaccination campaign in response to an outbreak in Lusaka, Zambia Research.
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Mufunda J, Nyarango PM, Matchaba-Hove. Trajectory of hypertension in Africa from near absence to a silent emerging epidemic. Accepted