Profitable Health And Wellness Product To Sell: Whisper Health


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By Marjorie Kawanzaruwa

Enhancing bath crystals: An aromatherapy product

Whisper Health Enhancing Bath Crystals is an Aromatherapy product that helps individuals enhance their health and wellness not only physically but also mentally and emotionally in a holistic fashion. So beyond improving lives financially, entrepreneurs can also improve lives health-wise through using the product themselves.

So you face these challenges and important issues …
1. You are looking for a good product that can earn you a better income.
2. You run a small business
3. You are a breadwinner and have got a family to feed.

The inspiration behind Whisper …

An HIV-positive person is an inspiration behind Whisper Health Enhancing Bath Crystals. This man responded to an advert titled, “ Is bad skin affecting your confidence.

In an era without ARVs, the disfiguring effects of the deadly virus loudly told everybody your status. The man’s self-esteem at work, home, and elsewhere was crushed! So he hoped I could solve this. Unfortunately, the advert was for a beauty care product yet the man was affected physically, mentally, and emotionally by his condition.

Touched by the plight I had to help him. Being a qualified psychologist and certified holistic therapist trained to use various health and wellness solutions including aromatherapy I did something I had never done before.

Using coarse salt, Aloe Vera, and Essential Oils I created this product that could help holistically. With the assistance of this man and his colleagues for trials and feedback over a period of time, Whisper Health Enhancing BathCrystals was eventually born.

I continued manufacturing the salts as I realized that in fact, like the first client, many people were also living with different health and stress challenges which the salts could address.

I have been selling the salts to small businesses for reselling because the holistic healing quality was a powerful selling point they could leverage for commercial success.

So you may be asking yourself, “What makes Whisper so unique that I can choose it as a product for sell ahead of other health and wellness products, especially bath salts?” When prospective customers talk about health and wellness they do not mean physical health only but they also mean mental and emotional healing.

According to experts, “Wellness is more than just physical health; it is holistic and multidimensional. It comprises six dimensions that include physical, intellectual, emotional, environmental, social, and spiritual wellness.” Most health and wellness products do not satisfactorily solve the needs of prospects because they only heal in one area – the physical. Surely customers will spend more on therapy that heals them not only physically but also mentally and emotionally or simply put holistically.

How does Aromatherapy heal?

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it’s called essential oil therapy.

Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils medicinally to improve the health of the body and mind. It enhances both physical and emotional health.

The term “aromatherapy” was coined by a French perfumer and chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé in a book he wrote on the topic that was published in 1937.

He had previously discovered the healing potential of lavender in treating burns. The book discusses the use of essential oils in treating medical conditions.

Aromatherapy works through the sense of smell and skin absorption using products such as these: diffusers aromatic spritzers inhalers bathing salts amongst others. Each essential oil has an array of unique healing properties, uses, and effects. Combining essential oils to create a synergistic blend creates even more benefits.

Benefits of Aloe Vera

According to Medical News Today, Aloe Vera has numerous benefits among which are: 1. Inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that cause infections in humans. 2. Being among nature’s richest sources of Vitamin E 2. Helps heal wounds and treats skin problems. 4. Helps to prevent wrinkles.

Studies conducted by Cleveland Clinic on essential oils have shown that they: 1. Boost your mood 2. Improve job performance through reduced stress and increased attentiveness 3. Improve sleep 4. Kill bacteria, funguses, and viruses 5. Reduce inflammation. 6. Reduce nausea 7. Relieve headaches.

We are living in challenging times that can produce various degrees of fear which in turn causes worry. This condition makes us tense and nervous. The nerves of our stomach are then affected and change the gastric juices of our stomach from normal to abnormal and this can lead to Stomach Ulcers. This can be prevented by using Whisper. Whisper Health Enhancing Bath Crystals is a great product that can generate sales for your business because it attracts customers through its many benefits and selling points.

About The Author

Marjorie Kawanzaruwa is the manufacturer of Whisper Health Enhancing Bath Crystals. Through Whisper Health Enhancing Bath Crystals, she helps startups, entrepreneurs and side hustlers earn more income and improve their lives financially by selling an effective product.