PWDs should be known for who they are and don’t always deserve sympathy


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By Zwidzai Chinyowa from Global Tertiary Students Platform for Action

Humanity should know that persons with disabilities will not get exhausted by promoting and standing for their moralities no matter what ensues. It is our duty to guarantee that the biosphere distinguishes what persons with disabilities want and expect from them. If one has existed in a civilisation without any person with a disability that society has a lot to learn if there is any.
People must know how to identify persons with incapacities. That will aid in encouraging for an all-encompassing humanity. In this epoch one expects every person to know how to live with those with disabilities as it is one of the discoursed gospels just like HIV/AIDS.

However reality remains tear-jerking as most people specifically Zimbabweans still know somebody by the aid of his/her disability. Out of all the things that an incapacitated person can do (teacher, health officer, politician) people only tend to become more and more contented when using disability as description.

Previous pieces of work that l wrote postulate that persons with disabilities are a hidden talent. They have special things that they can do and others are already exhibiting those talents. It is true every human being need to be uplifted instead of saying that visual impaired guy why can’t you say that lawyer, that doctor or that lecturer. If you keep on knowing the disability it means that other titles are repressed and will be bottled-up endlessly.

Know the person not the disability. Disability is not optional and no one accepts it easily. Others died (killed themselves when they learned that they were disabled) so it is the obligation of every Zimbabwean to make sure that we do not bring back the pain to the person who is already having enough pain.

One of my experiences as someone with a disability is that when a person with a certain disability passes by or arrives where there is a group of individuals, there will be deleterious reaction, convoyed by eyes full of tears headed to another corporeal human being as if they see someone who is in perilous disorder or as if they don’t see a human being at all. Persons with disabilities need no pity but recognition.

Today someone with a disability is in misery because he was denied of some basic civil liberties, moralities and reality (e. g rights to education). If all Zimbabweans are setting their hope in education, then why should persons with disabilities be condemned to be street purveyors before advancing to street beggars?
Person with Disabilities are a hidden talent that is never tried. Some people just look at someone and judge them due to certain impairment that hinder them to be well presented, but let the truth be told about persons with disabilities.

A lot of them have achieved many things that even an able human (as they call themselves) cannot and will never triumph until the end of their time. Persons with disabilities have degrees, diplomas certificates but working is a nightmare as they are only pushed to areas of disability activism and charity.

Some tend to ruminate that they are only supposed to work in any institution that has to do with disability or else they should beg for the rest of their life. Intelligence! Yes persons with disabilities have brains that can transform the pecuniary and social status of any nation when given a chance.
If persons with disabilities can have off-springs, then what can stop them from working? Our government (Zimbabwean administration) has adopted the UNCRPD (United Nations Convection on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) but it seems its implementation becomes very difficult.

Therefore as Global Tertiary Students Platform for Action we urge the Zimbabwean government to wholly implement the UNRCPD. We desire to see the 7% of persons with disabilities in the government segment working. We also long to see the government working hand in hand with persons with disabilities in the national socio-economic building processes.