SADC-PF launches Strategic Plan 2024-2028 document in Angola during its 55th Plenary Session

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On the 1st of July 2024, Speaker of Parliament, Hon Jacob F. N. Mudenda who is in Luanda, Angola, for the 55th Plenary Assembly of the Southern African Development Community – Parliamentary Forum (SADC –PF), participated in the launch of the SADC PF Strategic Plan (2024 to 2028). The new Plan emphasizes capacity-building of National Parliaments on emerging themes such as Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR), Climate Action, Leadership on normative frameworks and fiscal governance of Member Parliaments.

The SADC PF Strategic Plan (2024-2028) has been developed with a forward-looking approach, focusing on strengthening Parliamentary Diplomacy and Democracy, thereby enhancing the legislative capabilities of Member Parliaments. The Plan outlines key objectives and initiatives designed to address the unique challenges faced by the SADC region and to harness opportunities for growth and development through Parliamentary oversight and a robust Budget ecosystem.


Key Objectives of the Strategic Plan:


  1. Enhancement of Parliamentary Democracy: Strengthening the legislative, oversight and representative role of Member Parliaments to ensure they are more effective, transparent and accountable to the public.
  2. Promotion of Good Governance: Encouraging the adoption of best governance practices, combating corruption and fostering a culture of integrity and accountability.
  3. Socio-Economic Development: Supporting legislative measures that promote sustainable development, economic growth and social welfare within the SADC region.
  4. Gender Equality and Youth Empowerment: Advocating for policies and laws that promote gender equality, empowerment of women and youth and ensuring their active participation in governance and development processes.
  5. Regional Integration: Facilitating the harmonization of laws and policies to promote regional cooperation and integration within the SADC region.

The event featured several dignitaries, including the host, Hon. Carolina Cerqueira, Speaker of Angola, who delivered the keynote address on the significance of the Strategic Plan and its potential impact on cementing democracy within the SADC region. Speaker Cerqueira lauded the regional Parliamentary bloc for working in unison to ensure that the strategic document which gives Parliamentary direction to Member Parliaments was a credible achievement. Augmenting the message by Hon Cerqueira, Ms Boemo Sekgoma, the SADC PF Secretary General poignantly presented the Strategic Plan’s roadmap to the Assembly. The official launch ceremony was conducted by the SADC PF President, Hon. Roger Mancienne, who presented the Strategic Plan by a ribbon-cutting ceremony, followed by a group photograph of Speakers and Heads of Delegations who displayed copies of the Strategic Plan to the thunderous acclamation of the exhilarated delegates to the SADC PF Assembly.

Subsequently, a press conference was held by the Forum with Hon. Roger Mancienne, Hon. Carolina Cerqueira (Host Speaker), Prof. Peter Hitjitevi Katjavivi (Speaker of the Parliament of Namibia), Hon. Advocate Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo Mudenda (Speaker of the Parliament of Zimbabwe) and Hon. Princess Kasune, Minister of Justice and MP from the Parliament of Zambia, taking part to espouse the salient features of the Strategic Plan.

In his delivery, Speaker Mudenda emphasized that the Strategic Plan is a critical milestone in the work of the Forum, serving as a roadmap and compass that provides assured direction towards the consummation of the Plan. He stressed that the Strategic Plan should be read and become part of the DNA of the Member Parliaments. The strategic objectives and goals must be translated into actionable programmes by the constituent SADC PF as a testimony that the Plan is a living document as opposed to one which may be a candidate for archival repose.

“The Executive Committee should always be guided by the Plan and ensure its implementation at the national level. Standing Committees must stay aligned to the Plan and exercise the greatest degree of thought leadership while imbibing its dictates,” said Hon. Speaker Mudenda. He further highlighted that a Plan without budgetary support is bound to fail, urging the Secretariat to seek donor support to augment the SADC PF coffers. He also observed that any Plan that is not regularly evaluated is destined to fail, calling on the Executive Committee to lead in evaluating the Plan annually to track the Plan’s implementation progress or otherwise, and where need be, take remedial measures to revamp it.

During the Press Conference after the delivery of the panellists on the key areas of the Strategic Plan, Speaker Mudenda gave a comprehensive and holistic response to a question on peace and security within SADC by highlighting that there is a need for multilateral organisations to actively work towards global peace and security, especially within SADC. Referring to the pockets of insecurity experienced in the region, Speaker Mudenda juxtaposed the Biblical perspective with Apostle Paul who stated that “If one part of the body suffers pain, every part of the body suffers with it, if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it” (1 Corinthians 12:26). To that an extent, in security in one SADC state will of necessity create collateral insecurity on other sister republics. He emphasized that the region has put in place measures to deal with insecurity in Northern Mozambique and the Eastern DRC. Furthermore, Speaker Mudenda implored inter-parliamentary organizations to leverage parliamentary diplomacy and constructive dialogue to address conflicts in Sudan, the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

The 55th Plenary Assembly Session will be officially opened by Hon. Roger Manciene, President of SADC PF on 2nd July 2024. Speaker Mudenda’s delegation comprises Honourable Members, namely; Chief Chinhenzva Chigwajara, Maybe Mbowa, Tendai Nyabani and Lynette Karenyi Kore.