Sanganai/Hlanganani: Musimboti African Medicine in Bulawayo providing traditional community health services

By Byron Mutingwende


The Sanganai Hlanganani World Tourism Expo has gone a gear up by including medicinal tourism among the exhibitors. Spiked Online Media while touring stands at the on-going showcase caught up with Musimboti Health Centre whose owner said medical tourism has low-hanging fruits to support the wellbeing of the citizenry in pursuit of economic development since a healthy nation is a wealthy nation.


Located in Bulawayo Central Business District, the Musimboti Health Centre is helping many people with solutions to various health complications.


The community health centre located at the corner of 9th Avenue and Road Mugabe Road in Bulawayo is registered with Traditional Medical Practitioners Council (TMPC) under the Ministry of Health and Child Care.


Speaking to Spiked Online Media, Mr. Morgan Zimunya, the founding Chief Executive Officer of Musimboti said his facility is helping people from all walks of life with traditional medicine for various ailments.


“We assist in the treatment of conditions like hypertension, diabetes and cancers. These symptoms are traditionally known by such names as nyongo, ngubhani, undonda, kuperezeka or kurwadza kwemiviri,” Mr. Zimhunya said.


These preparations or prescriptions are known by traditional names like guchu or imbiza. These are a mixture of African plants, which are generally mixed or added to food like maheu, porridge, traditional beer or relish.


“These prescriptions are generally supplied in the form of ginger, cinnamon, curcumin and turmeric. People will consume these prescriptions with normal food without any prescribed dosage. If people continually consume these herbal prescriptions, their health will be enhanced. They normally do not interfere with other medical prescriptions since people can buy them as food,” Mr. Zimunya added.


Musimboti has herbal eye drop, herbal cough mixtures and sexual enhancers like the gondolozi drink poplualry known as mugondorosi in Shona.


To contact Mr. Zimunya phone him on number +263772 923 880 OR send him WhatsApp messages on the same number. In Zimbabwe people can buy using Ecocash and the prescriptions can be delivered to clients on the same day. The concoctions can also be distributed internationally.


He can also be emailed on [email protected] OR on the website