Screening Of Travellers Can Help Curb Spread Of COVID-19: PAZ


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By Ronnie Chisamba

The Passengers Association of Zimbabwe (PAZ) has proposed the screening of commuters at roadblocks and other checkpoints as a move that can curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tafadzwa Goliati, the association’s president, made the suggestion on behalf of the organization in a press statement that was released on various social media platforms yesterday.

Passengers Association of Zimbabwe is of the view that the requirement that stipulates that travellers should produce proper documentation at roadblocks and other checkpoints does little towards curbing the spread of COVID-19.

“Just as supermarkets and other businesses are screening so must travellers be screened at all roadblocks. Suspected cases can then be subjected to further tests and those who would have tested positive should be quarantined as is the norm in other countries, “said Goliati.

The government of Zimbabwe announced a countrywide lockdown in an effort to arrest the spread of COVID-19 in March. Despite the measures which are currently in place, cases of the disease have been on the increase. At the time of going to press the ministry of health had announced that 982 people had tested positive for the pandemic. The mortality rate had risen to 18.