Security services on high alert against crime: Kazembe Kazembe


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The government says security forces are on high alert to deal with a surging of crime including armed robberies and corruption around the country.

Addressing a press conference today, Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Minister, Kazembe Kazembe said issues that remain high on the law enforcement agenda are violent crime, corruption, abuse of social and other media as well as the scourge of fake reportage.

“With regards to violent crime, the security services have gone a gear up to sharpen the identification, tracing, apprehending, and presenting for the prosecution of all suspects implicated in violent crime in the country. Citizens are urged to be on guard against criminals and to report suspicious behaviour to Police whenever and wherever it is manifest,” Minister Kazembe said.

The minister said corruption remains cancer that gnaws slowly against the nation’s thrust towards the Vision 2030 trajectory set out President Mnangagwa. In that regard, the law enforcement agencies are rebounding their efforts to tackle the scourge, working in concert with the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission and the Special Anti Corruption Unit in the Office of the President and Cabinet.

“Citizens must play an active role in reporting any acts of corruption they witness and should help law enforcement agencies to identify and locate the suspects. On a related matter, we are seized with securing the return of fugitives from justice that are scattered in various parts of the globe.”

He said Zimbabwe is renowned for its fair justice system which will afford all such fugitives the opportunity to return home and clear their names.

“As law enforcement agencies, our role is to bring suspects to justice, then the normal procedures take effect. We urge the suspects to do themselves a favour by voluntarily returning to clear their names if they are innocent.”

Turning to the abuse of social media and the scourge of fake reportage, which are often motivated by subversive intentions, Minister Kazembe said this will remain closely monitored to protect peace and stability in the country.

“Let’s be reminded that the peace we are enjoying did not come by accident as there are some among us, some Trojan Horses, working day and night to try to cause chaos in our nation. They are trying to subvert our economic revival efforts. They are trying to prevent our diplomatic engagement and
re-engagement efforts.

“However, they will not succeed in this anti-people agenda of theirs. Some have gone over-drive in trying to tarnish the image of our country, which is their own country as well. We have witnessed a number of fake and well-rehearsed abductions. We have also seen a number of people deliberately breaking the law so that they can be arrested and make the headlines, possibly for some reward from somewhere. We want to assure the nation that law enforcement agents are alert and the peace prevailing in the country will be guarded appropriately and jealously.”

Recently, prominent journalist Hopewell Chin’ono was arrested for inciting the public to remove a democratically elected government through social media. He spent almost six weeks in jail with his co-accused, Jacob Ngarivhume, the leader of Transform Zimbabwe Party.