SECZim’s #MySchool CSR Project to Boost Financial Literacy in Zimbabwean Schools


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The Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe (SECZim) is excited to announce the launch of its #MySchool Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project, aimed at raising financial literacy and capital market awareness among primary and secondary school students across Zimbabwe. The initiative, which will run from 1 April 2024 to 31 November 2024, seeks to empower the next generation and ensure that no one is left behind in understanding and participating in the capital market.

One of the key challenges identified by SECZim is the low awareness of the capital market in Zimbabwe, which is currently estimated at 2%. This low level of financial literacy and capital market knowledge hinders participation in the capital market. In response, SECZim aims to raise capital market awareness in all provinces of Zimbabwe through collaborative efforts with key stakeholders.

The #MySchool project will leverage the Capital Market Toolkit which contains supplementary learning material that was approved by the Curriculum Development Unit (CDU) of the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE) and strategic partnerships to achieve its objectives. SECZim will engage individuals from both the public and private sectors to encourage their participation in capital market outreach programs targeted at their former schools. SECZim will also encourage corporates, NGOs, and other bodies to adopt schools of their choice in the outreach program.

The project will entail interactive workshops conducted in schools, utilising the Capital Market Toolkit. Teachers will be empowered through training on the Toolkit using a “train the trainer” methodology, ensuring sustainability beyond the project duration. The workshops will incorporate engaging activities, giveaways, and inspirational “bios” of mentors or alumni to keep students motivated and actively involved.

The project’s progress will be monitored through the collection of pre- and post-workshop data via a capital market awareness survey, to assess knowledge growth and workshop participation.

The #MySchool CSR project aims to achieve several outcomes, including enhanced capital markets awareness, improved financial decision-making by future generations, increased participation in the capital markets, deepening financial inclusion, increased utilisation of the Capital Market Toolkit, and empowered teachers equipped to deliver financial literacy education.

Individuals and corporates interested in participating in the #MySchool CSR project are encouraged to contact SECZim for further details.

Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe (SECZim), is a statutory body, established in terms of section 3 of the Securities and Exchange Act [Chapter 24:25], to regulate the capital markets and provide investor protection. The Commission’s main thrust is to encourage the development of a free, fair, efficient, transparent, and orderly capital market. The Commission reports directly to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development. SECZim oversees over 200 capital markets intermediaries and collective investment schemes.