Set new paradigms and defy norms to improve wellbeing: Zimbabwe India Women Business Council


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Dr. Eldrette Shereni, the President of the Zimbabwe India Women Business Council has said whilst women’s struggles and challenges they face are real, they will never go away on their own without making a deliberate effort to shift the paradigm and defy the norms to improve their wellbeing.

Dr. Shereni made the remarks on the commemoration of the International Women’s Day in Harare today.

The Zimbabwe India Women Business Council is part of a massive global network of over 150,000 phenomenal women across the world, represented in 120 countries. It is part of the Women India Chamber of Commerce and Industry – WICCI, Women Economic Forum – WEF, Sheconomy and All Ladies. Its 20 member council is made up of amazing inspirational female powerhouses who represent various sectors and demographics.

“My message to fellow women is that whilst our struggles are real and the challenges we face are real, they will never go away on their own without us making a deliberate effort to shift the paradigm and defy the norms to improve our wellbeing. Therefore, Women emancipation to me means enhancing the strength of women and girls socially, economically and emotionally with the primary objective of closing the gender gap and improving our overall well-being,” Dr. Shereni said.

Her motivation to get involved and actively advocate for change is driven by the various struggles women and girls face.

“Indeed, the playing field is not level and women have had to work twice as hard to attain even the slightest recognition. This passion to break the cycle and make female voices heard in society has inspired me to be a change driver in re-aligning the socio-economic landscape to accommodate the unique value that women can derive. I do not regret being part of this movement so far, and will continue to advocate for women and girl child empowerment.

“As a mother, my greatest motivation is driven by the need to make a difference in the future of the girl child, so that our daughters do not have to face the same challenges we faced in scaling up the Young Girls are prone to several aspects of abuse, the onus is on us to ensure that they do not fall victim to negative situations e.g. sexual abuse, rape, human trafficking, prostitution, early marriages, etc. Therefore, we need to add our weight in the fight against these and ensure that young women can stand on our shoulders and reach for the stars,” Dr. Shereni said.

She added that in every struggle, there may be moments of pain and weakness where one may feel defeated because their goals are not moving fast enough or the results of their actions are not what is key is to remain steadfast on the goal.

“Never give up and believe that the best way to scale a mountain is by taking one step at a time. As we celebrate International Women’s Day and the entire Women’s Month, let’s keep our eyes on the mark and stay on track because together we will achieve what we are all striving towards and reach our desired goals. As women we have what it takes to overcome anything life throws at us and should never underestimate the strength we possess´,” Dr. Shereni added.