Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance in Zimbabwe on Day of the African Child 2024


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Writes Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance in Zimbabwe

On this Day of the African Child, we, the Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance in Zimbabwe, join the continent in celebrating the theme: “Education for All Children in Africa: The Time is Now.”

Education is the cornerstone of development and the key to unlocking the potential of our youth. As we reflect on the significance of this day, we recognize the urgent need to ensure that every child in Africa has access to quality education. The time is indeed now to take bold steps to eliminate the barriers that hinder our children’s educational opportunities.

One of the significant challenges to achieving this goal is the detrimental impact of alcohol on our communities. Alcohol abuse not only affects individual health but also disrupts families and communities, creating environments that are not conducive to learning and growth. By advocating for strong alcohol policies, we aim to create safer and more supportive surroundings for our children.

The Cost of Alcohol:

In many households, money that could be invested in children’s education is instead spent on alcohol. This misallocation of resources has a direct impact on children’s futures. The funds used for alcohol could provide school fees, books, uniforms, and other essential educational materials. When parents and guardians prioritize alcohol over education, children are deprived of the tools they need to succeed.

Impact on Education:

Alcohol abuse within families affects children in several ways:

  1. Financial Strain: Families struggling with alcohol abuse often face financial instability. This can lead to children being pulled out of school because there isn’t enough money to cover educational expenses.
  2. Emotional and Psychological Effects: Children in homes with alcohol abuse often experience neglect, emotional distress, and instability. These factors can lead to poor academic performance, absenteeism, and behavioral issues in school.
  3. Health and Safety Risks: Children in such environments may also face increased risks of abuse and neglect. These traumatic experiences can hinder their ability to focus and perform well in school.
  4. Role Modeling: Children often mimic the behaviors of adults in their lives. Exposure to alcohol abuse can lead to early initiation into drinking, perpetuating a cycle of poor educational outcomes and limiting future opportunities.


Taking Action:

To address these issues, we must reduce the availability of alcohol in our communities and advocate for the banning of alcohol advertising and sponsorship. By limiting alcohol exposure, we can create environments that support healthy development and learning for our children.

  1. Reducing Alcohol Availability: Implementing policies that limit the number of alcohol outlets and restrict the hours of sale can help decrease alcohol consumption in communities. These measures are essential in creating safer and healthier environments for our children.
  2. Banning Alcohol Advertising and Sponsorship: Prohibiting alcohol advertising and sponsorship, especially in media and events accessible to children, can reduce the normalization of alcohol consumption. This helps protect children from being influenced by harmful behaviors and promotes healthier lifestyles.


We draw inspiration from the brave children of Soweto, who, on June 16, 1976, stood up for their right to education. Their legacy reminds us of the power of youth voices and the importance of fighting for their future. Today, we recommit ourselves to advocating for policies that protect our children from alcohol-related harm, ensuring they have the best possible chance to succeed academically and in life.

Let us unite in our efforts to promote education and create a healthy, nurturing environment for every child in Africa. Together, we can make a difference and fulfill the promise of a brighter future.