Stop divisive elements within ZANU (PF): Ziyambi Ziyambi


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Banket – The ZANU (PF) Secretary for Information Communication Technology in the Politburo, Hon Ziyambi Ziyambi, who is also Justice Minister, has warned party members bent on fanning divisions in the party, saying appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
Minister Ziyambi was speaking during the party’s Zvimba Inter-district meeting in Banket.
“There is a worrying trend of some of you who are now in the habit of trying to divide the party by deliberately falsifying information and attacking leaders through social media – a habit which needs to be stopped as our party has no place for such because we are a united family,” he said.
Minister Ziyambi also castigated some journalists who are in the habit of creating and peddling falsehoods.
“The media should inform the public correctly and not peddle falsehoods as some are doing.”
During the meeting, Minister Ziyambi said the party is on a scientific cell-restructuring exercise that will reveal its vibrancy.
“We are carrying out the cell-restructuring exercise which helps to inform us of our strength and this is not an election of positions but it’s an exercise that will ensure more people are encouraged to join the party through its structures in ways that will strengthen the party, leaving no one behind,” he said.
ZANU (PF) National Women’s League Treasurer, Caroline Mugabe, explained how the party’s restructuring exercise will be carried out and urged the party’s leaders to ensure its inclusivity.
“Let’s embrace every party member to be in our register and we should ensure we embrace those who have seen the light in our party and are rejoining us from the opposition through the Ekhaya/Kumusha Home program for returnees so that every person is accommodated in the revolutionary party,” she explained.
ZANU (PF) Central Committee member and Mashonaland West Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Hon Marian Chombo, called upon party members to be disciplined
“We need a high level of discipline at all levels in the party and we need to continue showing our unity in Zvimba District as we work towards the country’s economic development,” she said.
Minister Chombo said that to ensure that the party’s restructuring exercise goes on smoothly, party district political commissars should be supported to enable them to carry out their duties. She also said political commissars in Zvimba North Constituency will be given bicycles.