Susan Mutami is exposing herself to sexploitation: LEAD President Linda Masarira


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The leader of the Labour Economists and Afrikan Democrats (LEAD) Ms. Linda Masarira has cautioned Susan Mutami against exposing herself to sexploitation.

Ms. Masarira was responding to trending tweets doing the rounds on social media whereby Ms. Mutami is exposing pictures of herself in compromising positions with sexual connotations whereby she appeared with several high-profile political leaders in Zimbabwe.

“Susan is going very far with her bedroom issues on social media. As a woman, she should have pride in herself, take a chill pill and slow down,” Ms. Masarira told Spiked Online Media.

She added that it is unfortunate that Ms. Mutami has chosen to use social media to vent her anger against Temba Mliswa.

“What Ms. Mutami is doing will have an adverse effect on her emotional and mental stability. Social media users can lead her on to rant whilst at the same time using her pain to use her as a sexual object.

“As a women’s rights advocate, it becomes difficult to stand with Susan since she has taken a vindictive approach to settling scores with her former lover. Unknown to her, she has willingly become a victim of cyberbullying. In this case, it becomes difficult to defend her,” Ms. Masarira said.

The brave politician went on to offer advice to other women to stop exposing themselves to sexploitation at the workplace and on the political arena.

“Women have a tendency of flashing the victim card when their shenanigans are exposed. In actual fact, they would have consented to sexual activities with their partners. The public has no business of knowing what two sexually consenting adults do in their bedrooms in their private space. My advice to Susan is that she should stop behaving like she is the first woman to have sex on earth but rather should preserve her dignity and that of her family and friends.”

Abigail Mupambi, the Civil Society and Churches Joint Forum National Coordinator said initially she sympathised with Susan Mutami but has now come to a point where all sympathy is lost.

“When this issue first appeared in the public domain, I thought Temba Mliswa was abusing his position to take advantage of Susan Mutami. Now with several pictures appearing on social media showing Susan in compromising positions with several politicians, I begin to question her motive and agenda.

“Even in our culture and traditions, what Susan Mutami is doing is full of moral bankruptcy. The men are now the victims and she is the perpetrator,” Mupambi said.