• Shocking corruption at TIZ: A personal experience

    Shocking corruption at TIZ: A personal experience


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    By Byron Mutingwende   Corruption at Transparency International Zimbabwe (TIZ) reads like a script from a Hollywood movie yet that organisation is expected to promote accountability and good governance. There had been numerous reports of graft at that institution but no one ever had the opportunity to fully understand the goings on until I personally…

  • Inclusive conservation of natural resources critical: TIZ

    Inclusive conservation of natural resources critical: TIZ


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    The inclusive conservation of natural resources, including REDD+ Projects should be implemented in an inclusive and transparent manner, with respect for the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities and with consideration for the protection of biodiversity, Transparency International Zimbabwe (TIZ) has said   “The lack of community engagement, inclusion and access to information is…

  • Parliamentarians play crucial role in curbing corruption

    Parliamentarians play crucial role in curbing corruption


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    By Byron Mutingwende   Parliamentarians play a crucial role in curbing corruption through creating legislation that enhances access to justice and fair distribution of resources. The Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC), a unit of Transparency International Zimbabwe (TIZ) led by its Team Leader, Danai Mabuto engaged the Parliamentarians at a half day training workshop…

  • Untitled post 1093


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    By Byron Mutingwende Zimbabwean civil society organisations (CSOs) have called for transparency and accountability in public finance management. This emerged at a workshop organised by the Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD) at its Harare office meant to empower citizens to demand and influence transparent and accountable public finance management in Zimbabwe. The officials…

  • Addressing corruption stimulates development

    Addressing corruption stimulates development


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    By Byron Mutingwende Corruption is one of the biggest barriers to development hence the vice calls for a holistic approach by stakeholders in addressing it. This emerged at the official launch of the 2015 Annual State of Corruption Report by Transparency International Zimbabwe that was held at The Venue in Avondale on Tuesday 4 October 2016. Maria Selin,…

  • Impunity, corruption hampering service delivery: ALAC

    Impunity, corruption hampering service delivery: ALAC


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    By Byron Mutingwende   Corruption is rampant in the land governance system in Zimbabwe and is most pronounced in the urban areas where there is a housing backlog and high demand for land among the growing population, the Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC) has said. ALAC – a unit under Transparency International Zimbabwe (TIZ)…