Take advantage of the country’s prevailing peace for national development: Ziyambi


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By Elvis Dumba

Darwendale – Zimbabweans from all walks of life were yesterday urged to take advantage of the peace and unity prevailing in the country for embarking on various empowerment projects which develop the nation.

The sentiments were made by ZANU PF Politburo member Ziyambi Ziyambi during a Zvimba District Unity Day Commemorations in Darwendale.

“You cannot move forward in a sphere if you are not united ad if there is no peace. We need to take advantage of the prevailing peace to help develop our country through embarking on various empowerment programs. We should cherish unity which we have been demonstrating as one Zimbabwean family,” he said.

Ziyambi paid tribute to the late Vice President Joshua Nkomo for being a unifier.

“Let’s emulate the country’s founding fathers who were dedicated to ensuring that as Zimbabweans we are united and that’s why this unity day we need to continue and reflect on the importance of unity as we continue to support the visionary leadership of our President Emmerson Mngangwa who always strives to ensure we are united.”

Zvimba South Constituency and Member of Parliament Dr. Philip Chiyangwa who is also ZANU PF Central committee member warned people from being used by the country’s detractors through being paid to destabilise the country, a feat which will not succeed as long Zimbabweans continue being united.

“We have very few people who think they can derail the success route being taken by our President Emmerson Mngangwa by being bought by money. That won’t work if we are united and believe in the capable leadership of our President who has managed to steer the country through challenging times like illegal sanctions and covid infections and we need to continue cherishing being united,” he remarked.

Business mogul Chamu Chiwanza said Zimbabweans have the power to chart the development future of the country by following the hard work and guidance of President Mnangagwa.

“We need to appreciate former President Robert Mugabe and Father Zimbabwe for championing unity which we need to jealously guard as we develop our country as its destiny is in our hands. We need to utilise the opportunities which are being created for us through the wise leadership of our President,” he said during an interview on the sidelines of the commemorations.