The environment impacts education: Good Care, David Mascott schools


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By Byron Mutingwende


A clean, safe and inclusive environment is a critical ingredient for sound education, the leadership of the Good Care Pre-school and David Mascott Country School has said.


The two schools participated in a national monthly clean up campaign initiated by President Mnangagwa to be held every first Friday of every month.


Mrs Getrude Mandizvidza, the Founder and director of the two elite schools said ensuring a clean, safe and conducive environment at the institutions makes education accessible for all children, including those with disabilities.


“Our first and paramount consideration as providers of education is to make sure every student feels relaxed and welcome at school. The environment is our first priority. That’s why we have ramps at both schools.


“We also provide our children transport and have adapted transport for those with disabilities. Our institutions are inclusive so we have made the school buildings, furniture and grounds accessible for children with a disability. There is an adage that says ‘catch them young’ hence our decision to join the nation in a cleanup awareness campaign at Good Care Pre-school and actual cleaning at David Mascott Country School,” Mrs. Mandizvidza said.


The pupils at Good Care Pre-school marched with their teachers in the streets and shopping centres around their school with placards encouraging citizens to keep a clean environment.


At David Mascott Country School, the pupils and staff members thoroughly cleaned the windows, floors and walls of their classrooms. They also picked up litter in the school grounds and planted over 100 trees in their orchard.

Pupils at David Mascott Country School helped in cleaning up their school yesterday


“Learners and staff members embraced the national cleanup campaign. At David Mascott, this month’s activity was school-based. Learners enjoyed and it was fun for them participating in cleaning their school. We plan to have a similar activity in our local community and even further to Norton business centres,” said Mr. Solomon Bonongwe, the Headmaster of David Mascott Country School.