Third wave of COVID-19 highly likely: health experts


spiked online media


By Desire Tshuma

As COVID-19 is still ravaging the world, most countries are still undergoing several lockdowns. Health experts are predicting a third wave and are encouraging people to adhere to World Health Organisation (WHO) regulations so as to remain on guard against the pandemic.

Zimbabwe is one of the countries that have imposed lockdowns. The government is applauding the citizens for showing respect for its call for adherence. Recently, President Emmerson Mnangagwa relaxed the lockdown restrictions by opening the private sector on condition they follow the World Health Organization regulations. People are encouraged to always wash their hands, maintain social distancing, wear facemasks, and sanitize.
Psychologist and state registered nurse Mrs. Esther Tayo Mawere said people should join hands so as to conquer this pandemic.
”This virus is deadly. We should all be scared of it, regardless of the economic challenges. Don’t be careless with your life. Let’s save our lives by simply adhering to the regulations that we are given by the World Health Organization,” said Mrs. Mawere.
Another medical expert, Professor Elopy Sibanda who owns GAMMA medical laboratories said the lockdowns that the country has been into gave positive results. The national recovery rate stands at 93.5% and active cases have gone down to 858. By March 22,  there were 36 684 cases with 34 315 recoveries and 1 514 deaths recorded.
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