UANC party’s manifesto poised to create a better Zimbabwe


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The United African National Council (UANC) party, through their manifesto, vowed to turn around Zimbabwe’s situation by bringing solutions to a pool of challenges faced by the country if they are voted for the presidential office.

Addressing a media conference in Harare, UANC president Rev. Dr. Gwinyai Muzorewa said that their manifesto was anchored on democracy, development, dialogue, and dignity which he said were the essential ingredients for the nation’s success.

Dr. Muzorewa highlighted that their policies were wide stretching to every sector with the objectives of bringing stability to the economy, providing quality education, quality healthcare services, and national unity among others.

“We want to restore democracy by ensuring free and fair elections, respecting the rule of law, protecting human rights, and strengthening institutions. We want to promote development by reviving the economy, creating jobs, providing social services, and investing in infrastructure.

“On education, we will ensure universal access to quality education from primary to tertiary level, introduce free basic education for all children, support teachers’ welfare and professional development, reform the curriculum to make it relevant and responsive to the needs of society and industry, and encourage innovation and research. On health care, we will provide universal health coverage for all citizens, improve access to health facilities and services in rural areas, train and retain health workers, combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases, and promote prevention and wellness programs,” said Dr. Muzorewa.

On the land reform issue, Dr. Muzorewa said “We will remove the 99-year lease system and give title deeds to all farmers who have been allocated land under the fast-track land reform program. We will also compensate those who lost their land during the program according to the Constitution. We will ensure that land reform is not reversed or abused for political gain,” he said.

Speaking on investment issues and foreign policy, Dr. Muzorewa promised to create an investment conducive environment and the persuasion of balanced and constructive engagement with all countries.

“On investment, we will create a conducive environment for local and international investors by ensuring macroeconomic stability, fiscal discipline, monetary reform, ease of doing business, protection of property rights, and incentives for growth sectors.

“On foreign policy, we will pursue a balanced and constructive engagement with all countries based on mutual respect, cooperation, and solidarity. We will uphold our sovereignty and independence while also fulfilling our regional and international obligations,” he added.

Political parties have already embarked on campaigning strategies ahead of the 2023 polls which are slated for 23 August.