War veterans to hold elective congress: Mahiya

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Writes Elvis Dumba
Chinhoyi – The liberation war veterans in the country will go to their elective congress any time soon once necessary logistics are in place, a ruling party politburo member has revealed.
THE ZANU (PF) Secretary for Veterans of the Liberation Struggle, Cde Douglas Mahiya, said the war veterans are following instructions they were given by the party’s First Secretary, President Emmerson Mnangagwa to hold their overdue congress.
“We are going to have our congress which we expect to be democratic. There will be a one man one vote that we brought from the liberation struggle and no one can stop or change that. We want our members to select their leaders democratically,” he said.
Addressing thousands of war veterans in Chinhoyi, Mahiya said they are mobilizing resources for the congress which is the reason they have delayed.
“The reason why we haven’t gone to Congress yet after being instructed by the President is that we are still mobilizing resources and once we have everything in place, we will advise the President then we will go to Congress. We haven’t stopped because somebody went to court, no but we want this to be very democratic. We want to start from the districts up to provinces and then national congress so that those who are at the grassroots who also want to climb the ladder of positions are democratically allowed to do so,” he said.
Mahiya also revealed that he is not a candidate for any position at the congress.
“Anyone who wants a position is free to contest. We are a democratic organization and I am not vying for any position,” he said.
A faction of the war veterans led by Cde Moffat Elias Marashwa approached the court to stop the war veterans congress as factional battles for control of the Zimbabwe National War Veterans Liberation Association (ZNLWVA) escalated.
Mahiya reminded government officials to diligently carry out their duties knowing that the ZANU PF party through its policies shapes the government’s trajectory
Meanwhile, Mahiya paid tribute to Mashonaland West Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Marian Chombo, for her respect and recognition of the importance of people who fought in the liberation struggle by becoming the only member of parliament who has bought a vehicle for the war veterans in her constituency.
The Minister of Veterans of the Liberation Struggle, Hon Senator Monica Mavhunga, said the government is aware of challenges being faced by war veterans, and added that it doing everything in its power to address them.