Women Writers Support Network membership growing in leaps and bounds

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A local women’s organization, Women Writers Support Network (WWSN), is spreading its wings across the continent as it continues to grow from strength to strength. The trust establishment employs writing as a pivotal tool in psychotherapy.

A brainchild of Sympathy Mangwenya Sibanda, the organization officially came into existence in September 2021.

ln Zimbabwe, WWSN currently has more than 400 members. Although it was born to assist women, the organization has an open-door policy to members of the opposite gender. Apart from the locals, the organization has managed to draw membership from Rwanda, Kenya, Cameroon, South Africa, Nigeria, and Namibia.

According to WWSN, its vision is to see women leading worthy lives, untarnished by abuse and unforgiveness. This is what Sympathy had to say about writing therapy and WWSN: “Having seen how writing therapy has helped me personally at a nominal fee, it is my duty to spread this. I worked in the non-governmental sector for a decade and came face to face with what bitterness and pain can lead to.

“I have seen the premature loss of lives, I have seen the effects of revenge and I have seen what abuse can lead to. Depression is a reality for many people. And we are all just a trigger away from committing the biggest crime if we don’t manage our thoughts and actions. My personal vision with the WWSN is to encourage cross-pollination of ideas, encourage networks beyond borders, and raise a generation of empowered African women who spread positivity to others.”

An active member of WWSN, Tuyisenge Lise Eugenie from Rwanda added her weight on the benefits of writing as a tool for psychotherapy.

“Our country has a history of pain as many were affected by the genocide that happened here. Those scars need healing and writing therapy is relevant for women in Rwanda. I am honoured to be leading this initiative in our country and hope this will benefit as many women as possible to tell their authentic story and in the process network with others and start their process to healing.”

Since its inception, the WWSN has published two books – Seasons, a collection of short stories by Zimbabwean women, and a compilation of stories and poems, written in solidarity with women in Palestine.

Both publications were published by Bluescroll Consultancy. The latter project was funded by the Embassy of Palestine.

The WWSN is scheduled to officially launch its third publication in December.