Youths strive for economic independence


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By Patricia Mashiri

The Business Youth League (YBL) has vowed to help the youth in their strive for economic independence. The organisation which is affiliated to the Zimbabwe Youth Council made promises to the youths in Zimbabwe that they will help them in creating projects as well as resuscitating all white-owned mines for their benefit.

Addressing the youths in Bubi, Matebeleland North Province on Monday, McNorman Chitongo, YBL Secretary General said their organisation was willing to help all the jobless youths in the war of economic development.

“This is the struggle for economic independence and what is right should be done for the benefit of our economy. Our parents fought in the liberation struggle for the freedom we have today. It is now our time as the youths to fight the economic war so as to gain the economic independence and look after our parents,” Chitotngo said.

Shepherd Tundiya, YBL chairman said the organization is working closely with the government to make sure that the Durban Mine will re-operate again so that the youths will have their projects again.

“We promise to make the mine work again and all stakeholders including the Fidelity bank and the police should be included so that we will build clinics, roads and schools for our kids.

“We will introduce some projects such as carpentry and poultry so that everyone will be occupied with something as it is the right time for the youth,” Tundiya said.

Onnias Shanyura, acting mine manager explained that the Durban Mine owned by a white man called John Muir was closed towards the end of 2015. It used to employ more than 250 people but it was unceremoniously closed without the workers getting their allowances.

Shanyura said it was improper for the mine to be closed because they know that it is rich in gold and the produce will help change their community.

“The gold mine used to produce 18-23 kilogrammes of gold per month. If you help use reopen it we will all survive from that mine as both the government and the Bubi community”, Shanyura said.

Shanyura added that the community needs schools and clinics as the youths in the community are school drop outs because they walk long distances to get to the few available schools.

Francis Nyathi the Bubi village 6 head said the closure of Durban Mine was a great loss to his people as they used to survive on it.

He said his people were now surviving on illegal mining and appealed to YBL to help in the reopening of Durban Mine.