Zimbabwe Citizens Forum ready to assist USA in tackling coronavirus


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By Anyway Yotamu
Zimbabwe Citizens Forum National coordinator Cde Taurai Kandishaya said his organisation stands ready to help the American government with their coronavirus plea which was announced by US President Donald Trump to the world for help in form of protective clothes for health workers due to shortage of supply in the United States after the closure of a number of factories in the world’s biggest economy.
“If we had a well-performing economy, America could have been assisted well because we are one in fighting against this deadly disease that is wreaking havoc in the whole world. Unfortunately, our economy is bleeding due to restrictive measures imposed by the US government on Zimbabwe, “said Cde Kandishaya.
This comes as President Trump made a call for assistance from various countries around the world. Cde Kandishaya added that “we are here to assist in any way necessary but the only challenge is that our assistance won’t be much because our citizens are failing to make ends meet as a result of restrictive measures which US government and other European countries imposed on Zimbabwe”.
He also appealed to the US government to remove sanctions on Zimbabwe so that the two countries can help each other in the fight against this global pandemic.