7 Easy Steps to Grow Marijuana at Home

By Rebecca Smith

Growing weed at home is an excellent way of keeping your supply steady. Growing marijuana also heightens your love and attachment to the plant because you get to experience and observe each growth phase of cannabis. Marijuana use continues to increase day in and day out due to its numerous medicinal and recreational benefits. Below are easy steps to grow marijuana at home:

  1. Choose your place to grow

When growing cannabis, as with any other plant, it is essential that you identify the area of growing. It can either be indoors or outdoors. Either of the places carries with it some advantages as well as disadvantages. Many prefer indoors owing to the privacy that accompanies it. Indoors also has an advantage as you get great control of the growing conditions. When growing indoors, you have control over essential factors such as lighting and humidity.

On the other hand, when growing outdoors, your plants’ growth is heavily dependent on nature. You can use a grow tent, closet, or a spare room when growing weed indoors. All you need to do is ensure that the right conditions are in check. Outdoors has the advantage that it is cost-effective. For example, you do not need to purchase glow lights as natural light is available.

  1. Choose your grow medium

Note that this is different from choosing your grow space. The most common mediums are soil and hydroponics. Soil is cost-effective in growing weed as well as reliable. However, there are different types of soil; therefore, you need to pick the best for your growing. While some use pot soil, others purchase or mix compost soil. Compost soil has an advantage in that it requires little monitoring. Also, weed plants grown in compost soil are quite healthy. After getting such compost soil, put it in where you want to grow your weed plants. However, if you are a first-time grower, you should go for premium CBD hemp flower from reputed dealers for a sure-shot yield.

On the other hand, you can also grow weed hydroponically; it is a soilless mix. You can either use perlite, coco coir or grow it directly in water. This may be a tricky method to use, especially for beginners. An advantage of this method is that the weed plants mature very fast.

  1. Choose your grow light

When growing weed among the essential factors to put into consideration is the grow light to use. There are different lights that you can use. For instance, you can use the sun. When using the sun, ensure your plants get a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight every day. In case you are growing your plants indoors, and they may not be getting sufficient sunlight, ensure you get other artificial sources of light. Using LED grow lights and reflective materials are some of the ways you can light up your grow room.

4. Look for viable cannabis seeds

Even with the right growing conditions and functional grow space, the wrong choice of seeds will frustrate you. Note that there are female and male cannabis plants. Although the male plants are essential for breeding, it is the female plants that carry the buds containing the cannabinoids. Therefore, when you want only to have female plants, buy feminized seeds. Depending on the seeds you buy, you can plant either indica, Sativa or auto-flowering strains. According to a study, the Sativa strain is heat resistant but does poorly in cold conditions. Indica, on the other hand, does better in cold conditions. It is after picking the right seeds that you will then germinate them either by using the paper towel method or germinating them directly into the medium.

  1. Invest in cannabis-friendly nutrients

Nutrients are equally essential when growing weed. When using organic soil, you do not have to use any nutrients as the soil may already contain these nutrients. Some of the nutrients are quite specific for certain mediums. Be keen as you use nutrients in hydroponic growing. This is because you can easily mess up with the pH levels of the water. Keep the nutrients at optimum to avoid root rots or low-quality yields. The primary nutrients that your plants require are Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. The micro ones include Calcium, iron, copper, and magnesium.

  1. Observe the different stages and take the necessary measures

The vegetative phase forms the foundation of your weed’s development. It lasts between three weeks to two months. This stage is vital as it determines your final yield. However, the medium used determines the time that the weed takes in the vegetative stage. During this stage, keep your plants with at least 18 hours of light daily. You can maximize your yields during the vegetative state by making them bushy and dense. This is through super cropping, filming or topping. The flowering stage is the stage at which your plants mature. During this stage, maintain the temperatures low. The plants are quite picky at this stage; thus, ensure your conditions are right, especially in terms of nutrients.

  1. Harvest, dry and cure like a pro

The first indication that your marijuana is ready for harvesting is when buds stop growing. Give time for the white hair to turn darker before you start harvesting. Harvest in stages to give the buds that are not ready enough time to mature. Drying and curing, which is the last stage, is very sensitive. Lay your buds to dry, but do not over dry them. Curing the buds calls for you to put them, after drying, in a tightly closed jar, then store in a cool dark and dry place. This way, you will improve the taste of your weed as well as smoothen the buds.


Growing weed at home is an inexpensive and rewarding way. For maximum yields, follow the proper guidelines. Also, be patient with your plants. All the best as you embark on this self-fulfilling journey.