Battle of the minds at Old Mutual Schools Quiz


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Some 200 schools from across the country are participating in the new season of Old Mutual Schools Quiz at the weekend with organisers anticipating an exciting battle of the minds gig.

Takudzwa Tsikwa, Old Mutual Schools Quiz Spokesperson, said there were new entrants while others were tried and tested horses.

“The top four schools from the provincial knockouts will proceed to the national finals, which are scheduled for 25 May at the Harare International Conference Centre.

“The winning quiz team at provincial level will walk away with a laptop to be used by the team for future research activities, whilst trophies for top three will be awarded,” Tsikwa said.

Be said starting this year, the Old Mutual Schools Quiz will not be a pre-recorded program but will be broadcast live, on ZBC but also on social media and other platforms.

“So 25 May, Africa Day, the nation is invited to diarise it as it will be the day we can watch live which quiz team knows more about Africa than all others.

“The focus is to test knowledge on all things African. We want to empower participants with awareness of their immediate environment. Of course financial literacy workshops through Old Mutual’s On The Money Program is an added advantage for participants,” Tsikwa said.

He said there was an overwhelming from school across all 10 provinces.
“We have exciting new features this year, such as live broadcasts, big prizes at national finals and more to come to be introduced soon, very soon, next few weeks,” Tsikwa said.

Since 1983, when Old Mutual launched the quiz program, focus was always on high schools however, primary schools now participate as a measure of empowerment and recognition of their ability.

Zimbabwe is only third to India and United Kingdom in terms of school quiz participation in terms of schools. Quiz is a national culture in these three countries.

Tsikwa said with primary schools being invited they believe Zimbabwe would lead the world as far as quiz participation is concerned.