Ecobank celebrates anniversary by providing health services in Zimbabwe

As Ecobank Day was celebrated across 33 African countries in which it operates on Saturday, the Zimbabwe arm honoured the day by providing free health promotion services for Budiriro residents. This year’s edition was held under the theme “Prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in African Countries”, and was meant to draw public attention to their…

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ILO values role played by labour administration

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) recognises the important role of labour administration in socio-economic development, a labour expert has said. Ms Hopolang Phororo, Director of ILO Country Office for Zimbabwe made the remarks on the African Regional Labour Administration Centre (ARLAC)’s 15th Annual Meeting that kicked off in Harare on 8 October 2019. “This 15th…

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MDC Official wants government to adopt multiple currencies to avert energy crisis

Hon. Jasmine Toffa, the MDC Secretary for Energy and Power has said her party notes with great concern the continuation of the escalating energy crisis in Zimbabwe which she argued is being worsened by the “cluelessness” of Mr Emerson Mnangagwa government in solving the country’s multi-layered crisis.   “The MDC notes that every Sunday since…

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New Fertiliser Blending Plant Commissioned

By Joyce Mukucha and Anyway Yotamu Driven by the commitment to play a pivotal role in the revival of the nation in the agriculture industry, the country’s largest manufacturer and supplier of fertilisers and agricultural chemicals, Zimbabwe Fertiliser Company(ZFC) Limited has invested in a new fertiliser blending plant . The plant valued at US$500 000…

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Vaya Tractor plans to plough one million hectares this year

Vaya Tractor plans to plough at least one million hectares of land for smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe this year. The On Demand Logistics platform, developed by Cassava, already has 3 000 tractors on its platform and over one million smallholder farmers registered with its EcoFarmer network. Cassava Smartech Zimbabwe CEO Eddie Chibi said the platform…

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Mbare breathes fire on corruption and political polarisation

Mbare residents said corruption within the local government and the high level of political polarisation in the community is the major hindrance towards the development of their constituency. Speaking at a Constituency Indaba facilitated by the Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD) in Mbare at Mai Musodzi Hall on the 24th of September 2019, Mbare…

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Preparations for the African Youths in Tourism Annual Conference gain momentum

By Joyce Mukucha and Anyway Yotamu To create opportunities for youth development in achieving the Agenda 2063, share lessons and exchange ideas on how young people can invest in the tourism sector in Africa, the Ministry of Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Recreation is set to…

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Africa: Ecolog leads discussions at Financing for Sustainable Development 2030 Forum

High-Level forum attended by President of the Republic of Ghana, the Queen of the Netherlands, several Member States and heads of private sector; Ecolog ( was the prime industry representative to address the role of public private partnerships in financing the UN’s Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs) 2030. Member States across Europe, the Middle East and…

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Cassava unveils platform for hiring farming equipment

Cassava Smartech has introduced a new, EcoFarmer Equipment hire platform, that is set to transform agriculture in Zimbabwe by allowing farmers to hire farming equipment for use on their farms, using their mobile phones. The platform will enable farmers to hire a wide variety of farming equipment, including ploughing, discing, planting, fertilizer-spreading, ridging, boom-spraying and…

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Tourism has potential to build a “better future for all”

Tourism’s potential to build a “better future for all” was the central message of World Tourism Day 2019, which was officially celebrated at a high-level summit in New Delhi. Vice President Venkaiah Naidu, was joined by World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili to mark the global observation day aimed at raising awareness of the…

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Zimnat Clarifies Diaspora Funeral Cash Plan Policies

By Zimnat Zimnat would like to clear the air and give accurate information with respect to Diaspora Funeral Cash Plan (DFCP) policies. The background to this are the recent media reports surrounding changes to the above existing policies. The relationship between Zimnat and Destiny Financial Services T/A as DFCP Since January 2012, Destiny Financial Services…

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WCoZ Driving Women’s Economic Empowerment

By Joyce Mukucha The Women Coalition of Zimbabwe (WCoZ) is enhancing women’s participation and influence as well as strengthening national accountability on gender equality and empowerment. The organisation strives to ensure a conducive environment and has created a focal point for women’s rights from diverse backgrounds to guarantee equality and equity in as much as…

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Global Resilience Partnership announces 16 new Innovation Challenge winners

Mentoring scheme supports innovators working on novel solutions to build resilience in the Horn of Africa, the Sahel, South Asia and Southeast Asia The Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) has announced the 16 winners of their Innovation Challenge, focused on surfacing resilience solutions across Africa and Asia. Challenge winners receive three months of technical advice, mentoring and…

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Zimbabwe Institute of Risk Management To Foster Good Corporate Governance

By Anyway Yotamu and Joyce Mukucha The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA), First Mutual, TelOne, Mimosa amongst other stakeholders has partnered with Institute of Risk Management (IRM) Zimbabwe regional group to officially launch the Zimbabwean regional group to ensure that the nation catches up with the leading global practice. The IRM regional group’s main thrust seeks…

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Europe’s women largely under-represented in international trade, study finds

Only 20% of European Union exporting companies are owned, led or managed by women. (Brussels-Geneva) – Women are under-represented among companies in agriculture and manufacturing sectors engaged in external European Union trade and women-led companies are mostly found in sectors with lower export growth potential. These are some of the findings of From Europe to the…

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Angola, Senegal champion SDG7 Initiative for Africa for 10,000 MW of clean energy

On the margins of the United Nations Climate Action Summit convened by the Secretary-General, H.E. Mr Antonio Guterres to drum up support for climate action, a group of like-minded countries, financiers, project developers and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) launched on Monday an initiative to energise climate resilient development in Africa faster,…

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Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe disappoints Gweru City

By Abigail Mzimbawakhe (Midlands Correspondent)   The Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe (IDBZ) which had promised to fund the drilling of 20 commercial boreholes has disappointed Gweru City Council (GCC) after it lost the inflated US$6 million tender to source funding and supply pumps for Amapongokwe Dam.   The issue of the commercial boreholes was…

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Dandemutande CEO declared Chartered Secretary of the Year

Dandemutande chief executive Never Ncube was declared Chartered Secretary of the Year at the Institute of Chartered Secretaries Annual Conference Dinner in Victoria Falls last Friday. Agribank company secretary Lovemore Rwazemba was the runner-up.   Reading the citation before presenting him with the Chartered Secretary of the Year trophy, ICSAZ chief executive and secretary Dr…

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Afreximbank President Wins 2019 African Renaissance and Diaspora Network Private Sector Development Award

Prof. Benedict Oramah, President of the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), yesterday at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, received the 2019 African Renaissance and Diaspora Network Private Sector Development Award. The award, presented by the African Renaissance and Diaspora Network (ARDN) during the “Africa: Open for Business Summit” on the sidelines of the United…

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Government Mainstreams Youth Participation in National Processes

By Joyce Mukucha Following representation from young people and various stakeholders in quest of youth empowerment and participation, the Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation has advocated for the operationalisation of Youth Focal Desks and the appointment of youth representatives in all Government line Ministries and departments at all levels. This is meant to…

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Leadership should provide solutions to societal challenges: JM Busha

By Byron Mutingwende   Prominent politician, philanthropist and businessman Mr. Joseph Makamba Busha has said leadership embraces provision of solutions to society’s myriad of challenges.   Mr. Busha made the remarks while addressing University of Zimbabwe students drawn from the membership of the Leadership Development Network (LDN) at the tertiary institution’s Students’ Representative Council on…

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Iberia, UNWTO Team Up for Sustainable Tourism

The Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Zurab Pololikashvili, and the CEO of Iberia, Luis Gallego, have signed a cooperation agreement in favour of sustainable tourism, at the headquarters of the airline. The two organisations share a commitment to enhancing the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the tourism sector, in line with the…

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Youths a critical cog for trade and development: AU Chief

Leaders should devise an “incentive structure” to promote a startup culture among young Africans. “I think they will produce the magic,” Albert Muchanga, the African Union’s Commissioner for Trade and Industry, told a gathering on infrastructure at the United Nations on Wednesday. Muchanga said colleagues were working to “harmonise our policies, rules and regulations” to…

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Siemens Invests in Young African Innovators

Siemens extends its Eskom Expo partnership to schools in Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia Siemens ( is committed to supporting and developing young, African innovators; Siemens extends its Eskom Expo partnership to schools in Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia; Refurbishing and restocking Sekondi College computer lab as part of Siemens localization programme. 23-27…

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UNGA: Strong plea to boost food security through South-South cooperation

Leaders gathering for the United Nations General Assembly from 17-30 September 2019 in New York have made a strong plea for enhanced South-South cooperation to strengthen food security during a session co-hosted by the African Development Bank ( Speaking as part of this session on the role of South-South cooperation to achieve sustainable development for…

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UNGA 2019: Scaling Up Nutrition Lead Group meets to chart way forward

The meeting of the group’s leaders took place at the UNICEF headquarters in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly “Energy, passion and a lot of young people who care about nutrition” will underpin the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement’s newest phase, alongside stronger private sector engagement, members of the Lead Group…

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Afreximbank President Advocates for Vehicles that Facilitate Cross-Border Trade

The President of the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), Prof. Benedict Oramah, yesterday in New York, urged African countries to create vehicles that would make it possible for manufacturers to trade across the continent. Speaking during a high-level event on the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa 2016-2019, organised at the United Nations Headquarters, Prof. Oramah…

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Pushing the boundaries of African hospitality

By Filippo Sona On the occasion of the Africa Hotel Investment Forum (AHIF) ( this week, Filippo Sona, Managing Director, Global Hospitality Drees & Sommer (, asks whether Sub-Saharan Africa is ready for an iconic hotel asset that will shape the image of African tourism. According to the annual African Hotel Chain Development Pipeline Survey…

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GCR upgrades Zimnat General Insurance rating to A+

Global Credit Rating (GCR) has revised Zimnat General Insurance’s national scale financial strength rating to A+(zw) Stable Outlook, from its previous rating of A-(zw).The financial strength rating (formerly claims paying ability) went up two notches. GCR is the leading emerging market focused ratings agency, rating the full spectrum of security classes based on the best international…

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Engineers urged to come up with solutions to Zimbabwe’s water woes

As the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (ZIE) 10th Biennial Conference kicked off in Harare today, there has been a call for Engineers in Zimbabwe and beyond to come up with a solution to Harare’s water crisis. The theme for the conference is “The Role of Engineering Professionals – Fundamental Duties for National Development” and alludes to…

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UN Summit on Sustainable Development Goals kickstarts ambitious action to deliver for people and the planet

States, businesses and civil society gear up for decisive decade for Agenda 2030 Four years after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and with efforts off track for meeting its objectives, world leaders today called for a decade of ambitious action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and announced…

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Electric vehicles form of high energy efficiency strategy: Strive Masiyiwa

Econet Chairman, Mr Strive Masiyiwa has said the electric vehicle (EV) is one of the coolest energy adaptation solutions that have emerged in modern world. In coming up with this conclusion, Mr Masiyiwa presented interesting points. The telecoms guru alluded to the fact that most industrialised countries, including China and the European Union have announced…

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Harare water crisis: MDC, CHRA voice concern

As the Harare water crisis deepens, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and the Combined Harare Residents Association (CHRA) have voiced concern over what they termed interference by authorities for political expedience over prioritising the lives of the people. MDC Secretary General Chalton Hwende and the party’s Local Government Secretary, Elias Mudzuri today held a…

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The flip side of participatory methodologies

By Charles Dhewa While the importance of involving communities in solving their own challenges has been supported for decades, the limitations of participatory methodologies have not received enough attention. Usually participatory methods emphasise the participation of individual people as opposed to communities. Unfortunately, many people may have limited capacity to interpret information and knowledge. It…

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Africa, second fastest growing tourism region in the world

Travel and tourism remained one of the key growth drivers of Africa’s economy, contributing 8.5% of the GDP in 2018; equivalent to $194.2 billion. According to the 2019 Jumia Hospitality Report ( Africa, this growth record placed the continent as the second-fastest growing tourism region in the world, with a growth rate of 5.6% after Asia Pacific…

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