Clear trade policy direction enhances sustainable economic development

By Byron Mutingwende   Stakeholders have been urged to craft a clear trade policy direction that will enhance sustainable economic development to extricate Zimbabwe from its myriad of challenges.   This emerged at the State of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) Dialogue meeting organised by the Southern and Eastern African Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI)…

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Informal sector rise, unemployment harmful to the economy: Yu

By Byron Mutingwende The growing rate informalistion of jobs and unemployment has a negative impact on the economy, a senior United Nations official has said. Speaking at the occasion to launch the Population Census Thematic Reports at Holiday Inn Hotel in Harare Tuesday, Yu Yu, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Zimbabwe Deputy Representative said bemoaned…

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By Byron Mutingwende Zimbabwean civil society organisations (CSOs) have called for transparency and accountability in public finance management. This emerged at a workshop organised by the Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD) at its Harare office meant to empower citizens to demand and influence transparent and accountable public finance management in Zimbabwe. The officials…

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Government appointments should be transparent: TIZ

The appointment of Simba Chikore as the Chief Operations Officer at Air Zimbabwe has brought to the fore the need for transparency when recruiting for the government or state-owned enterprises, Transparency International Zimbabwe (TIZ) has said. Air Zimbabwe used to be a public entity in which the State had total control but due to economic hardships,…

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Chinese- Zimbabwe bigwigs siphoning diamonds from Marange

By Problem Masau Helicopters hover every day above Marange diamond’s fields. Chinese nationals together with uniformed soldiers disembark and collect the precious mineral under a closely guarded security detail. After a while, the helicopter disappears into the sky and only God knows where the diamonds are taken. Evidently proceeds of the minerals are not benefiting…

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Workers’ Union gives Mugabe 72 hour ultimate, threaten to take over companies

By Kundai Marunya Zimbabwe Federation of Trade Unions (ZFTU) and Congress of Zimbabwe Trade Unions (COZITU) have given the government and president a 72hour ultimatum till Monday to reinstate workers who were fired in the past two weeks. This follows a landmark ruling that reprieves companies from paying workers exit packages but on pay three…

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Innovation Baraza Fair on this Friday

Nearly forty (40) innovative ideas beat out hundreds of competitors, across sectors, to be represented at the Innovation Baraza Fair to be held on Friday July 10th at the Baraza Pavilion in Tynwald, Harare. Organizers announced last week that the successful ideas include innovations in the agriculture, finance, health, resource management, infrastructure, community, retail, and…

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