Chinese ambassador supports Zimbabwe’s investment drive


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By Joyce Mukucha

Huan Ping the Chinese ambassador among other countries has signed an affirmation document of a group of foreign nationals’ musical project called ‘Lovely Zimbabwe’as a way of promoting international investment in Zimbabwe.

The project which consist of Abraham Matuka (artist) and the Lovely Zimbabwe Team comprises different races of foreign nations targeting to stimulate development in the country and enables it to attract external companies to capitalise the economy.

Ambassador Huan Ping indicated that Zimbabwe is thriving to build a brighter future as it moves in the new dispensation.

Speaking at the Chinese Embassy on the 26th of January 2018 Ping said China and Zimbabwe are partners that support each other in as far as development of the nation is concerned.

He said through the music projects of national groups, Zimbabwe’s level of enticing international investors would be catalysed and its economy boosted.

“China and Zimbabwe have a respectable traditional relationship since the liberation struggle to date and there is need to make sure that such relationship remain and enhanced to ensure more development of the two countries,” he said.

“If the solid foundation is maintained, this project through China will help Zimbabwe to invite other international countries to come and visit the nation and witness the beauty which is within.”

Ambassador Ping added that there was need to intensify the mutual understanding of the people and through this song by different artists of different races, concrete base for investors would be created.

“You need to put this track on website so that more Chinese people will have access to it and get more information and impart information about Zimbabwe to external investors.”

He said this will also help other people get to know how beautiful Zimbabwe is and realise how good Zimbabwe is a place to invest in.

Ambassador Ping said he was happy to be among other ambassadors who signed the affirmation document and supporting the CD.”

Abraham Matuka, one the artists said there was hope that the music project would help Zimbabwe’s President, Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa to transform the country in the new era.

“This project is called Lovely Zimbabwe and the main thrust is to back-up the efforts which are being made by President Emmerson Mnangagwa in building and transforming then state of the nation. What we are trying to imply in the song is that international countries must have knowledge of how good and talented Zimbabwe thereby securing more investment in our country,” Matuka said.

The track which impores the beauty of Zimbabwe was sung in eight languages of eight countries but with the same meaning. The countries include Malaysia, Indonesia, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, China, Pakistan and Zimbabwe.