Zimbabwe working round the clock to mitigate global climate change

Miriam Zvomuya and Tendai Guvamombe The Zimbabwean government has thrown its weight behind the global target in adaptation and mitigation of global warming ahead of World Summit on Climate Change to be held in Poland next month. Washington Zhakata, the Director of Climate Change Management Department in the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and…

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WFP provides food assistance to over 430,000 Zimbabweans with support from USAID

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Zimbabwe has begun the implementation of its Lean Season Assistance programme for the 2018/19 season in October with a contribution (US$22 million) from the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which will support more than 430,000 food insecure people.   “This contribution…

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Ecofarmer seeks to modernise agriculture

By Byron Mutingwende   Ecofarmer is working towards modernising agriculture by embracing technologies in order to improve production efficiency, achieve food security and profitability for farmers.   In a speech read on his behalf by Mr. Leonard Munamati – the Provincial Crop and Livestock Production Officer for Mashonaland East Province at the Ecofarmer Agri-tech expo…

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Water rights for millions of African farmers threatened by law rooted in colonial times, study finds

Millions of African farmers still face legal restrictions on water access, dating back to colonial times, according to a study released this week. Researchers with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and Pegasys Institute reveal the obstacles that smallholders face, including potential legal penalties, due to laws that originated and led to “water grabbing” in…

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Oxfam Zimbabwe’s CARL project seeks to empower rural women

By Michael Mashiri Oxfam Zimbabwe has launched a programme called Climate Adaptation for Rural Livelihoods (CARL), which is an initiative designed to end poverty in rural areas. The project endeavours to make sure that rural women increase their income and economic power in sustainable agricultural crop supply chains such as groundnuts, pea beans, cattle and…

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Japan gives US$1 million for food security, nutrition and health project

At Tsholotsho Hospital on Thursday 11 October 2018, the Government of Japan officially handed over a contribution of US$ 1 million to enhance the resilience of drought- and flood-affected communities in Zimbabwe through a comprehensive set of health, nutrition, food security and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) interventions. The project is being implemented by the…

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Rising temperatures will push millions of people in Africa into poverty and hunger: Oxfam

Climate change has set our planet on fire, millions are already feeling the impacts Today, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report detailing progress and pathways to liming global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Responding to the report, Mr. Apollos Nwafor, Pan Africa Director of  Oxfam International (httpss://www.Oxfam.org) said: “Climate change has set…

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Food losses and waste (FLW) negatively impacting food security, economic growth: FAO

By Byron Mutingwende   The reduction of food losses and waste (FLW) is essential in the creation of efficient value chains, which are the core of sustainable food systems that contribute to food security, nutrition, economic growth and environmental benefit, it has been noted.   Berhanu Bedane, the Livestock Development Officer for the Food and…

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When will developing countries stop importing knowledge?

By Charles Dhewa It is lamentable that, in spite of setting up hundreds of universities and research institutes, developing countries continue to import knowledge.  For instance, African countries are not just importing equipment and finished products from the West and East but also importing knowledge in the form of prescriptions on how to use those…

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Young innovators to design solutions to improve education, training and empowerment

A new challenge calling on young innovators across Zimbabwe to design solutions that will improve education, skills development and training for young people, and empower them to take action on issues that affect them, was launched yesterday. Winning applicants will contribute to the success of Generation Unlimited, which is a new, ambitious partnership – launched at a…

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AfDB Convenes Climate Change Seminar on Gender Mainstreaming

The training will also address the needs and perspectives of women and men in policymaking and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change processes, adopted on 9 May 1992 The African Development Bank (www.AfDB.org)  will conduct a seminar on gender mainstreaming in climate negotiations for the African Group of Negotiators (AGN) in Dakar, Senegal, on…

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Stunting worryingly high in East and Southern Africa

By Byron Mutingwende   Although there were some notable reductions in stunting rates in some countries between 2015 and 2018, stunting remains worryingly high in East and Southern Africa, a study has shown.   The Zimbabwe Civil Society Organisations Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance (ZCSOSUNA) was part of the team that jointly commissioned a study to…

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Africa Adaptation Initiative: A Response to Africa Biggest Challenge

This will be an opportunity to consider the most effective measures to help close the Adaptation Gap in Africa, which experts estimate to be between USD 7 billion and 15 billion per year by 2020, increasing thereafter The first Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI) Partners (https://AfricaAdaptationInitiative.org/rt/) Roundtable Meeting will take place on Monday 24 September 2018,…

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Joseph Busha pledges $5 000 for construction of school laboratory

FreeZim Congress leader and prominent businessman Joseph Makamba Busha has pledged five thousand dollars ($5 000) towards the construction of a science laboratory at Henry Low Primary school in Bulawayo last Friday. While officiating as the guest of honour at a Climate Change Awareness campaign launch in the city of Kings, organised by the Zimbabwe…

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Antelope Park’s wildlife conservation brings benefits to communities

By Byron Mutingwende   The wildlife conservation project being spearheaded by the Antelope Park is bringing numerous benefits to participating local communities and the environment.   Tourists from the United Kingdom who were on a tour of the country prior, during and after the Sanganai Hlanganani Tourism Expo, courtesy of the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority, had…

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UZ Research Unmasks Fake Crop Chemicals

By Wisdom Mumera A University of Zimbabwe (UZ) research into crop preservation methods has released results questioning the effectiveness of most commercial chemicals as the country seeks to safeguard its food security. The exercise led by Professor Brighton Mvumi from the Department of Soil Science at UZ revealed that most of the commercial medicines and…

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Nine types of agricultural-related entrepreneurs in developing countries

By Charles Dhewa eMKambo has invested time and effort in understanding and classifying different archetypes of entrepreneurs in developing countries. While this effort has focused mainly on agriculture-related entrepreneurship, it has also embraced diverse socio-economic sectors. Unless, development actors, policy makers and financial institutions characterise economic actors in line with their different roles, it will…

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MSF offers SRHR at Harare Agricultural Show

During the Harare Agricultural Show (Monday 27 August to Saturday, 1 September, 2018) Medecins Sans Frontieres/ Doctors Without Borders (MSF) will be providing free sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services with specific focus on people aged between 10 to 24 years. MSF will partner with the National AIDS Council (NAC), Young Peoples’ Network on Sexual…

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Fund green revolution: Africa, developing world urged

By Nevson Mpofu Africa and the developing world have been urged to fund the Green Energy Revolution to the tune of at least $49, 4 billion from the current $9 billion. The World Bank has since 2007 financed $31 billion energy projects in developing countries especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. To reduce poverty, there is need…

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Nudging universities in developing countries to harness community based inquiry

By Charles Dhewa Contrary to prevailing formal approaches, knowledge sharing in most rural African communities is embedded in the way people work. For instance, knowledge sharing happens as farmers select seed or choose livestock breeds.  It also happens as they milk cows, plant crops, weed, harvest, store and market.  They do not stop and say,…

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US$32, 4 million USAID project to address severe water challenges

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced the Resilient Waters, a five-year, $32.4 million project to address severe water challenges facing the Limpopo River Basin and Okavango River Basin communities.   The US Embassy in Harare said in a statement that the Resilient Waters will increase access to safe drinking water and sanitation services for…

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“Leave No-one Behind”: SDGs take ground in Matabeleland North

By Sirak Gebrehiwot (UN Communications Specialist) The UN team, led by the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Mr. Bishow Parajuli, comprising of UNICEF Representative, Dr. Mohamed Ag Ayoya; IOM Chief of Mission, Ms. Lily Sanya; WFP Representative and Country Director, Mr. Eddie Rowe; and UNDP Country Director Mr. Georges van Montfort concluded a three-day field visit,…

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Remigious Matangira spearheads development in Bindura South Constituency

By Byron Mutingwende   In 2008, the Bindura South Constituency resembled a cemetery due to the grinding poverty brought about by hyperinflation. It is that time when Remigious Matangira, the current Member of the House of Assembly for the area began his philanthropic work by spearheading development initiatives.   “Bindura became my permanent home in…

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UN Strategic Framework lauded for catalysing development results in Zimbabwe

28 June 2018, Harare – Today the Government and the United Nations together with development partners convened high level review meeting to validate and take stock of development results delivered, mid-way of the programme cycle, under 2016-2020 Zimbabwe UN Development Assistance Framework (ZUNDAF) contributing to national development priorities.   The high-level meeting co-chaired by the…

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Avoid Green House Gas emission-intensive investments: Agricultural expert

There should be a deliberate move to avoid Green House Gas emission-intensive investments through economically viable low-emission development options, a senior Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) official has said. Gabriele Ranieri, the Officer in Charge of the FAO Subregional Office for Southern Africa made the remarks at the Sustainable Land Management and Climate-Smart Agro-ecology in…

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Residents call for protection and conservation of wetlands

By Byron Mutingwende   “We are appalled by the construction of a filling station on a wetland in Kambuzuma. The construction further compromises water delivery and is a clear violation of our environmental rights,” fumed Joseph Kahari, the Secretary for Governance of the Blue Agenda Trust.   The Parliament of Zimbabwe has produced a report…

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Community knowledge is greater than expert knowledge

By Charles Dhewa While it is true that community knowledge is broader and deeper, most African farming communities hesitate to make decisions without consulting an extension officer.  The need to cross-check and verify facts through an extension officer can be counter-productive if it causes farmers to stop experimenting and learning from their innovations. Surveys by eMKambo over…

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Private sector urged to foster CSR for sustainable development

By Byron Mutingwende The private sector has been urged to foster corporate social responsibility (CSR) so as to spearhead sustainable development. In his address to private sector players on 22 June 2018 at a meeting on promoting sustainable development, Bishow Parajuli, the United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator for Zimbabwe urged the business community to play…

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Climate-friendly initiatives and actions essential for tourism, says UNWTO

The Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), Zurab Pololikashvili, called for the tourism sector to take more action to combat climate change and biodiversity loss during the 30th joint meeting of its Commissions for South Asia and Asia-Pacific in Fiji (18-20 June 2018). Adding his voice to that of the host country, Mr. Pololikashvili…

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Reliable water availability ensures development: President Mnangagwa

By Byron Mutingwende   Improving water resources infrastructure and availability has the potential to unlock the vast opportunities for Zimbabwe’s socio-economic development, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has said.   He made the remarks on the occasion of the water infrastructure investment conference and the launch of the national climate policy at the Harare International Conference Centre…

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Improve technology and logistics to reduce food wasting

By Nevson Mpofu Mbare, Zimbabwe’s largest horticultural market receives 80% of farm produce a day. These sundry foodstuffs are in form of field crops, cereals, legumes, pulses, fruits and all types of horticultural produce from around the country’s 56 districts. Tomatoes pour on a daily basis in hundreds of tonnes every day and so do…

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PAP/FAO alliance to end hunger in Africa

The Pan African Parliament (PAP) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations partnership is working tirelessly to address food security and nutrition challenges on the continent. During the ongoing sixth ordinary session of the fourth parliament in Midrand, South Africa, various stakeholders, including Members of the Pan-African Parliamentary Alliance for Food…

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Fears for post-Brexit climate laws as UK green watchdog plans revealed

Post-divorce environment body will not enforce climate change regulations, says proposal, but UK lacks direct replacement for EU institutions. By Megan Darby for Climate Home News The UK government has excluded climate change from a proposed post-Brexit green watchdog, raising concerns about enforcement of climate laws when the country leaves the EU. In a consultation document, the department for…

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SACAU hosts Annual Conference on trade as a driver for agricultural transformation

THE Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions’ (SACAU) will hold its Annual Conference and AGM at the Kingdom Hotel in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe from the 14th to 15th of May 2018. The Conference and AGM will be co-hosted by SACAU’s two members in Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe Farmers’ Union (ZFU) and Commercial Farmers’ Union (CFU). Held under the theme, Trade…

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Sweden, We Effect seek to improve lives of rural women

By Joyce Mukucha To ensure the continuation of the Enterprise and Business Development Programme (EBDP) on improving livelihoods of rural women, the Government of Swedish has partnered We Effect and signed a SEK 30 million (US$ 3,6 million) agreement. Speaking during the signing ceremony on the 8th of May 2018 in Harare, Sofia Calltorp, the…

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WFP seeks to eradicate hunger in Zimbabwe

By Joyce Mukucha The World Food Programme (WFP) is maintaining strong humanitarian assistance capacity through its Country Strategic Plan (CSP) which focuses on supporting long-term national social protection and resilience building efforts to achieve Zero-hunger in Zimbabwe. It is estimated that by 2050, both the risk of hunger and child malnutrition could increase by 20…

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Multi-sectoral response to food and nutrition security bears positive outcomes in Mutasa

By Byron Mutingwende   Judith Mafunga Chikono, a member of the Neverlate Horticulture group in Ward 18 of Mutasa District recounts how she has benefitted from the Improved Nutrition and Sustainable Production for Increased Resilience and Economic Growth (INSPIRE) project.   “Through INSPIRE, I received theoretical and practical training on good agricultural practices of horticultural…

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World urged to keep climate change in check

By Nevson Mpofu and Byron Mutingwende Yes, there is necessity to stay below 1,5 degrees of warming. This is done for the betterment of human livelihoods and for survival sake. To ensure environmental and agricultural sustainability, health and wellbeing, and being free from natural and human induced catastrophes, climate change effects should be kept in…

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