Proponents of political dialogue seek self-glory: FreeZim Congress

Politicians calling for dialogue are only doing so to strategically locate themselves closer to positions of authority and access to wealth accumulation, Mr. Joseph Makamba Busha, the President of FreeZim Congress party has said. “The calls for political dialogue to come up with a government of national unity or transitional authority are not genuine. These…

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MSF challenges COVID-19 myths with new quiz challenge app

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in association with software developer Pixel Impact has launched a new app that encourages people to behave safely if someone in their family or community catches COVID-19. Taking the form of an interactive quiz challenge, users of the COVID Challenge app are presented with a range of colourfully illustrated scenarios and…

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Irvine’s commits to Command Agriculture

By Anyway Yotamu The country’s leading poultry and eggs producer, Irvine’s Zimbabwe has demonstrated their continued support and commitment to the government’s command agriculture policy by building another fully equipped chicken production house with a capacity of 2500 broilers at Ntabeni Primary School, Entumbane in Bulawayo as part of the company’s Command Livestock Agricultural partnership…

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Treat for football legend George Shaya from Doves, Zororo-Phumulani

Sports and Lifestyle Correspondent Doves Funeral Assurance managing director, Talent Maziwisa has urged the corporate world to come up with measures that can sustain the lives of sportsmen and musicians past their prime. Maziwisa made the remarks in his address as the home of the country’s most illustrious and treasured soccer player of all time…

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Early Christmas surprise for Zimnat’s social media fan

Financial services giant, Zimnat recently surprised one of the Sanlam Cape Town Virtual Marathon participants who is a Zimnat social media follower with ZWL$50,000. Kenneth Manzvanda who had just taken part in the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon 10km virtual peace run, could not hide his joy when he received an unexpected call from Zimnat informing…

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COVID-19 stresses the need to transform Africa’s WASH services sector

By Osward M. Chanda Alarming headlines that announced the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic in Africa in March 2020 have given way to stories of chin-stroking scientists wondering about the reasons for the relatively mild impact – compared to other continents – which COVID-19 has had on Africa. More than 41,000 Africans have died, and…

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Designer cattle, pigs, goats, and poultry are not ideal for rural Africa

By Charles Dhewa Livestock-based development interventions in many African countries have largely focused on replacing local breeds with imported ones. This is in spite of imported cattle, pigs, goats, and chickens struggling to survive in dry regions characterized by climate-induced shocks. The fact that most imported livestock breeds survive on specially designed commercial feed makes…

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Capacity building workshop empowers women with governance, entrepreneurship skills

A capacity building workshop organised by the Zimbabwe Parents of Handicapped Children Association (ZPHCA) empowered participants to have an appreciation of income generating projects so that they can be able to impart fundamental knowledge on the importance, governance and conflict resolution strategies of group projects. Workshop facilitator, Kudzai Garanowako at a workshop held for the…

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ZPHCA, grassroots women driving resilience building to climate change, COVID-19

Despite being confronted by the adverse impacts of climate change and COVID-19, grassroots women are united in the fight for disaster mitigation, adaptation, recovery and resilience building. This emerged today at the 2020 Grassroots Women Resilience Building National Convention organised by the Zimbabwe Parents of Handicapped Children Association (ZPHCA).  This year’s edition of the Resilience…

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COVID-19 generates numerous scams

COVID-19 scams have included supposed cures, fake testing sites and counterfeit personal protective equipment (PPE), Dr Katlego Mothudi, managing director of the Board of Healthcare Funders, a regional healthcare funders’ body, said last week. Addressing an Association of Healthcare Funders of Zimbabwe all stakeholders’ webinar on health on Wednesday, he gave examples of how conmen…

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Power Giants driving mechanisation for increased farm productivity

As the 2020-2021 agricultural season kicks off, commercial farmers have been urged to capitalise on local initiatives for the installation and servicing of farm machinery and equipment to ensure the smooth flow of operations. Speaking at a media briefing after the unveiling of Power Giants Private Limited’s Mutare branch, the firm’s general manager – Manicaland Province…

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Chivero Challenge advancing environmental preservation, tourism, and wellness of people

The Chivero Challenge is an international, multidisciplinary event that is advancing environmental preservation, sports recreation, tourism, health, and wellness as well as grassroots sport and recreation development. This was revealed by Mr I. Vambe, the Director of Recreation of the Sports and Recreation Commission in a speech delivered on behalf of Hon Kirsty Coventry, the…

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NetOne commended for setting up base station in Cyclone Idai-hit Chimanimani

Minister of Information Communication Technology (ICT), Postal and Courier Services, Hon. Dr. Jenfan Muswere commended NetOne for setting up a base station at Machongwe in Cyclone Idai hit Chimanimani while commissioning the facility on 30th October 2020. The Machongwe Base Station is set to revolutionize business, agriculture and enhance communication within the Manicaland Province and…

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Prioritize gender inclusion in the climate change mainframe agenda: Environment Minister

The Minister of Environment, Climate, Tourism, and Hospitality Industry Hon Nqobizitha Mangaliso Ndhlovu has called on stakeholders to prioritize gender inclusion in the climate change mainframe agenda. He made the remarks in his keynote address during the Opening Ceremony of the 9th Edition of the Africa Green Waste and Energy Expo and Conference (AGWEEC) in…

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Drug abuse: support and don’t punish victims

Amanda E.N Jojo Social, mental, and economic pressures contribute to the avalanche of reasons why young people use drugs, poverty, and unemployment residing at the very top of the hierarchy. It is however evident that misuse and criminalization of drug users have got repercussions that at times go unnoticed. In this regard, individuals and concurring…

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Barometer reveals slow progress of advancing women’s rights in SADC

The 12th #VoiceandChoice Barometer reflects slow progress in advancing women’s rights in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. In her keynote address at the 12th #VoiceandChoice Barometer in Harare on 27 October 2020, Mrs. Virginia Muwanigwa, the Chief Executive Officer of the Zimbabwe Gender Commission called on stakeholders to continue working together in attaining…

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Norton Leaf Tobacco providing farmer-friendly services

One of the leading golden leaf players in the country, Norton Tobacco is proving to be the missing link that farmers need to succeed. Riding on its unique product offers, Norton Leaf Tobacco is providing tobacco farmers with essential farming inputs each and every season. Speaking to this publication, Mr. Richard Machingura, the Norton Leaf…

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AfDB, partners announce new Women in Ethics and Compliance in Africa initiative

Bank-supported network to address corruption, unethical behavior, avenues of support for leadership The Women in Ethics and Compliance in Africa network, (WECA), a new initiative creating a membership group for women executives and management leading the fight against corruption and non-compliance in business, made its debut at an online webinar co-hosted by the Bank on…

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‘Say It Louder’ Webinar Series addressing the Impact of COVID-19 on EUP

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted issues such as access to health and education services, including contraception, gender-based violence and teenage pregnancy, highlighting the critical need for targeted messaging, information and resources for young people. The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) released data showing that the pandemic could result in a projected seven million unintended pregnancies. Since July of…

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Redan Coupons donates three world-class ambulances to Government

By Anyway Yotamu Vice President and Minister for Health and Child Care Dr. Constatntino Chiwenga has received a donation of three ambulances from Redan Coupons. The three units will service three provincial hospitals and they come with world-class hospital standard life support medical equipment. The Ministry of Health and Child Care is currently in the…

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Safeguarding biodiversity and ecosystem services leads to sustainable development

By Anyway Yotamu The government has pledged commitment to safeguarding biodiversity and ecosystem services, which are key in achieving developmental goals. Speaking at the launch of Zimbabwe’s Sixth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Environment, Climate, Tourism, and Hospitality Industry Minister Mangaliso Ndlovu highlighted the importance of biodiversity in the survival of citizens….

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MultiChoice Group Continues Its Support Of Global UN Pause Campaign

As the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic continues, MultiChoice Group (MCG) has reaffirmed its commitment to the United Nations’ (UN’s) efforts to conquer the virus that has wreaked havoc around the globe and will continue to support the global organisation’s Pause campaign in celebration of UN Day which was held on the 24th of October 2020. Through its broadcast and digital…

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Pure Oils donates to vulnerable communities

By Anyway Yotamu The country’s leading cooking oil producers, Pure Oils through their  ZimGold brand today continues to assist vulnerable communities under the company’s ZimGold Givers Community Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative, by donating cooking oil worth ZW$75000.00 to Touching Lives Africa. Under the ZimGold Givers, Pure Oils identifies community heroes who are doing remarkable work…

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CiZC implores Nigerian authorities to exercise restraint in dealing with protestors

The Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC), an umbrella body of civil society organisations in Zimbabwe is imploring Nigerian authorities to desist from the use of excessive force as citizens protest against police brutality. The coalition notes with concern that the Nigerian authorities have unleashed the army against citizens protesting against the brutality of the Special…

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Women power: Youths engaging in climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives

They say empower a woman to empower the whole community. This statement is proving to be true through youthful female climate change champions who are doing wonders in their communities to adapt to and mitigate the phenomenon. In an interview with Spiked Online Media, Elizabeth Gulugulu Machache, the Project Manager of the African Youth Initiative…

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USAID Announces Two New Food Security Programs Totaling US$130 Million

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced on October 21 two new food security programs, Takunda and Amalima Loko. These five-year programs will target nearly 490,000 Zimbabweans in Matabeleland North, Masvingo, and Manicaland provinces.   “These two new programs will build on the United States’ investment in Zimbabwean people and tackle the root causes…

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Youths urged to grab opportunities offered by climate change

The Minister of Environment, Climate, Tourism, and Hospitality Industry, Hon Mangaliso Ndlovu has urged the youths to be innovative and craft ways of grabbing opportunities offered by the global threat of climate change. The Minister made the remarks at the Post Fifteenth Conference of Youth (COY 15) and the 25th Climate Change Conference of Parties…

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Pamushana Africa Group partners Zimnat to paint Mutorashanga green

Mutorashanga Green Pools are a beauty, a marvel, and incredible spot to hang out for travel enthusiasts. Approximately an hour and half drive from Harare, this joint is becoming the place where people visit to have fun, and enjoy the outdoors. The place is a great site for swimming, and diving, offering a thrilling experience,…

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Zimbabwe gears up for increased tourism investments

The private sector plays a key role in climate change mitigation

By Anyway Yotamu The National Climate Policy recognizes that climate change is a real threat to the country’s socio-economic development with a potential of reversing hard-earned developmental gains achieved over the past decades hence the government urges the private sector to work closely with the responsible departments and apply for grants for the Green Climate…

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Major biodiversity conference kicks off in less than two weeks

The Global Landscapes Forum Biodiversity Conference will be held under the theme, ‘One World—One Health’ and will run on 28 and 29 October 2020 from 9 a.m. Bonn (UTC/GMT+1). WHAT: Halting biodiversity loss is essential to tackle the climate, food and global health crises, but how to turn ambitious green recovery pledges into concrete solutions that are feasible…

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USD12 million support for the Zambezi Valley Biodiversity Project: Minister Ndlovu

By Anyway Yotamu. The government has procured equipment to increase the national capacity for illegal wildlife trade control, integrated wildlife, anti-poaching, and woodland management of the Protected Area network under the Zambezi Valley Biodiversity Project. The government has procured various equipment for the project worth USD$12 million from the Global Environmental Fund (GEF) and the…

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Extent to which knowledge is more than literature and digital technology

By Charles Dhewa While mobile phones and related technologies are being touted solutions to the absence of agricultural data in developing countries, such technologies are just tools not knowledge. Tools by themselves will not provide strategic solutions without knowledge. In fact, in the wrong hands, the tools may increase socio-economic inequalities in ways that further…

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Why COVID-19-impacted World Food Day 2020 is the time to prioritize investments in food systems

By Wambui Gichuri COVID-19 lockdowns and decreases in incomes have generated a double demand shock – increasing the number of poor and vulnerable people, particularly in Africa’s cities World Food Day 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization, but celebrations on 16 October were muted due to the coronavirus….

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Stop police brutality against women: LEAD President Linda Masarira

In a letter addressed to Godwin Matanga, the Zimbabwe Republic Police Commissioner-General, Linda Masarira, the President of LEAD Party has castigated the brutality and unfair treatment of women by the law enforcers. Below, Spiked Online Media reproduces the strongly worded letter: Open Letter to Police Commissioner-General 16 October 2020 Dear CG Matanga It is with…

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Security services on high alert against crime: Kazembe Kazembe

The government says security forces are on high alert to deal with a surging of crime including armed robberies and corruption around the country. Addressing a press conference today, Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Minister, Kazembe Kazembe said issues that remain high on the law enforcement agenda are violent crime, corruption, abuse of social and…

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UN calls for sustainable investment in food systems

The United Nations Resident Coordinator, Ms. Maria Ribeiro has called for sustainable investment in food systems to achieve healthy diets for all. In her remarks to mark this year’s World Food Day held under the theme “Grow, Nourish, Sustain Together with Nature” Ms. Ribeiro called on stakeholders to invest in a healthy and sustainable relationship…

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COVID-19: AU, Africa CDC adoption of digital technology set to save lives, revive economies

By Own Correspondent THE recent decision by African Union (AU) and the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) to adopt the use of digital COVID-19 certificates for travellers will go a long way in saving lives and improving economies on the continent. To ensure that the continent is not hit by a…

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New study: Forests are still underrated as allies to curb rural poverty

• In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic and the mounting threat of climate change, forests and trees are vital for the rural poor in countries around the world• However, the poor are rarely able to capture the bulk of benefits from forests• A global science assessment analyses how forests can realize their potential to…

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Zimnat hands over nationwide boreholes to Health and Child Care Ministry

valued at more than five million Zimbabwe dollars to the Ministry of Health and Child Care as their contribution towards combatting COVID-19. The boreholes were officially handed over to the ministry at the commissioning of the first of them at Murereka Clinic in Lion’s Den, Mashonaland West Province, at a ceremony officiated at by Mashonaland…

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Communist Party of China praised for its exemplary work in poverty eradication

By Anyway Yotamu The Communist Party of China (CPC) has been hailed for its work in promoting the eradication of poverty and a massive decline of impoverished rural areas through government support methods. Addressing delegates at the International Seminar on Poverty Eradication and Responsibility of Political Parties hosted by the Communist Party of China virtually,…

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The Evolution Of COVID-19 Rapid Tests Paves The Way For At-Home Lab Tests

Dr. Bertalan Mesko In January of this year, oblivious of the fact that we were about to engage in a twisted round of real-life Jumanji, we released our annual digital health trends e-book. Among one of our 12 forecasts for 2020 was that at-home blood tests would gain traction and become the new direct-to-consumer DNA testing in terms…

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