COVID-19: Hélène sur l’Everest to climb Mount Everest in supporting medical research

Hélène sur l’Everest (27) is currently doing her residency in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. Her recent experience in a COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit made her think about what is important in her life and the causes that she would like to support in the future. Her project links two of her passions: medicine and sport. With…

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VAYA and Thumela eKhaya unveil on-demand grocery delivery service

VAYA Technology Limited (VAYA) has partnered with South Africa based e-commerce firm Thumela eKhaya to facilitate the delivery of groceries bought in from the diaspora to Zimbabwe. Mr. Peterson Tengende, Thumela eKhaya’s Chief Executive Officer, said the on-demand grocery delivery service will enable Zimbabweans living and working in the diaspora to support their families back…

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Preparations for the Econet Victoria Falls Marathon gather pace

Econet Wireless Zimbabwe will this year hosts its annual Victoria Falls Marathon on December 13, as a virtually event, due to movement restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The popular event, which draws thousands of local and international participants, traditionally takes place during the first week of July, but was postponed to December 13 following…

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POTRAZ brings smiles to the less privileged in Gwanda

The Postal and Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) today handed over groceries and personnel protective equipment (PPE) to the less privileged and vulnerable members of the Gwanda Community, which is being done under the Authority’s Corporate Social Responsibility program. By way of background, POTRAZ last year established a Corporate Social Responsibility unit that would…

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Diplomat Hilda Mafudze appointed African Union Envoy to the US

By Anyway Yotamu. HARARE – Zimbabwe’s outgoing Ambassador to Malawi, Ms. Hilda Suka Mafudze, has been appointed the African Union (AU) envoy to Washington DC, replacing Ambassador Arikana Chihombori Quao who was fired last November over alleged abuse of funds. Suka Mafudze, who was appointed Zimbabwe’s ambassador to Malawi last year by President Emmerson Mnangagwa,…

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Apostle Elliot heals USA based boy through online prayers

By Desire Tshuma Mabvuku based spiritual healer Apostle Elliot last week prayed for an eighteen-year-old New York-based teenage boy who was suffering from several health conditions and finally heals. Glory to Glory International Ministries was founded by Apostle Elliot in 2012 in the Mabvuku high-density suburb in Harare. Since its existence, many people have been…

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Reprieve for Chitungwiza residents as municipality stops demolitions after lawyers intervention

By Kumbirai Mafunda CHITUNGWIZA Municipality on Sunday 11 October 2020 resolved to stop the demolition of some residents’ houses after Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) threatened to sue the local authority for violating people’s fundamental rights. In a letter written on behalf of Chitungwiza Residents Trust (CHITREST) by Paidamoyo Saurombe and Tinashe Chinopfukutwa of…

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Bass Introduces Resolution Encouraging Continued Democratic Progress In Ethiopia

Yesterday, Congressmember Karen Bass (D-CA), Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, introduced a resolution encouraging respect for human rights and encouraging continued democratic progress in Ethiopia. Congressmember Bass was joined by Congressman Chris Smith, who serves as Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa. “Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed spearheaded…

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Padare, Musasa, and WILSA partner with Parliament of Zimbabwe on curbing GBV

By Anyway Yotamu In an effort to curb the rising Gender-Based Violence (GBV) cases,  Padare/Enkundleni Men’s Forum on Gender with other organizations namely Musasa Project and Women and Law in Southern Africa (WILSA) with the support from Christian Aid has partnered the Parliament of Zimbabwe in order to address this challenge. In an interview with…

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UNESCO’s new Global Education Monitoring Report: More girls enrolling in school

 By David Sengeh These are difficult times. Every single country in the world has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education for Sierra Leone, I am confronted daily with the challenge of keeping schools open, while making sure students, their teachers and their parents stay safe. In the…

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ZCLDN concerned about a surge in drug abuse as schools reopen

The Zimbabwe Civil Liberties and Drug Network (ZCLDN) has noted with grave concern disturbing videos and pictures of students mostly in high schools smoking marijuana amid reports they are also engaging in unprotected sex, and drinking alcohol. Schools reopened last week after they were closed for nearly six months to curb the spread of Covid-19….

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UN Secretary-General congratulates WFP for winning Nobel Peace Prize

The United Nations Secretary-General, Mr Antonio Guterres has said he was delighted by the decision of the Nobel Committee to award this year’s Prize for Peace to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).  The World Food Programme is the world’s first responder on the frontlines of food insecurity.   Mr. Guterres said in a world…

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Well-managed migration fosters sustainable development: IOM

In this era of unprecedented mobility, there is a need to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has said. In a speech read on his behalf at the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) Inter-ministerial Consultation at the Holiday Inn Hotel on 8 October 2020 by the progamme…

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Desperation builds in Dadaab, as promises of durable solutions falter in the face of COVID-19

Angela Makamure (Press Officer, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Southern Africa) A mental health crisis is growing in the Dadaab refugee complex, where hundreds of thousands of Somalis have been stuck for decades now. A fatal mix of pent-up despair, anxiety, and fear, combined with new uncertainties brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, is forcing refugees…

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Microsoft, Shell Announce New Partnership To Use AI And Tech To Reduce Carbon Emissions

Bernard Marr  Tackling carbon emissions is one of the biggest challenges faced by the world today. For big business, this means making a strategic and managed move towards increasing the use of renewable energy sources, as well as creating efficiencies across all aspects of their operations. It’s a difficult task to manage alone, even for…

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World Bank, ZIMSTAT avail data on COVID-19 Impact on Zimbabwean Households

On 8 October 2020, the World Bank (supported by the Zimbabwe Reconstruction Fund) and the Zimbabwe Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT) held online dissemination of the first round of results of the Rapid Poverty Income and Consumption Expenditure Survey (PICES) conducted by telephone among 1,747 households during July 6–24, 2020 to measure the socio-economic impact of COVID-19…

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US launches US$5 million initiative to expand economic opportunities for Zimbabwe’s youths

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched the Local Works Zimbabwe Youth Program, a US$5 million economic empowerment initiative.  This youth-led initiative will help create economic opportunities to address youth unemployment, increase incomes, and combat rising poverty among young people in urban and rural areas.    In his remarks at the Local Works Zimbabwe…

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Stakeholders seek inclusivity and enhanced access to quality ECD education

The Zimbabwe Network of Early Childhood Actors (ZINECDA) and the Education Coalition of Zimbabwe (ECOZI) have partnered in an initiative to enhance access to quality early childhood education so that vulnerable children are ready for primary education. The organisations entered into a partnership with the Roger Federer Foundation (RFF), a non-profit making foundation based in…

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Siemens continues its humanitarian relief efforts in Sudan with delivery of protective gear

Siemens – in partnership with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) – has developed multiple programs that deliver humanitarian, economic and educational benefits to the marginalized people of Sudan Siemens ( delivered 3,000 personal masks to Sudan’s Ministry of Health last month to assist in the battle against Covid-19, the company’s latest humanitarian investment…

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Abuse and harassment driving girls off social media, global survey reveals

Abuse and harassment driving girls off Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, global survey reveals Largest ever survey on online violence shows that one in five girls (19%) have left or significantly reduced use of a social media platform after being harassed, while another one in ten (12%) have changed the way they express themselves. HARARE: Girls…

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COVID-19: ECOZI prioritizes safe learning as schools re-open

By Desire Tshuma  Education Coalition of Zimbabwe (ECOZI) on Tuesday 29 September held it’s the third quarter back-to-school campaign at Cresta lodge in Harare to discuss further on the safe learning environment in schools during the COVID-19 era The campaign was based on the role of the civil society organizations on how best they can…

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Chivero Challenge: promoting environmental conservation and tourism through sport

Concerned about the destruction of the environment and a dip in tourism around Lake Chivero, Gary Stafford, the Managing Director of Kuimbashiri Bird Sanctuary has come up with the Chivero Challenge to give a lifeline to the tourism giant in Zimbabwe. Introducing the concept during a press conference at Kuimba Shiri today, Stafford reminisced on…

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National Policy on elderly and vulnerable people imperative: Prof Mavima

By Anyway Yotamu The government has plans to launch the national elderly policy document in partnership with stakeholders that will guide programs and other developmental issues on the matter.                                                             Speaking to this publication on the sidelines of the commemorations of the International Day of Older Persons at Mazowe River Bridge Old People’s Home in Rushinga…

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ZimGold donates to the underprivileged in Chitungwiza.

By Anyway Yotamu One of the country’s cooking oil manufacturer, Pure Oil through its brand ZimGold has donated cooking oil to underprivileged homes in Chitungwiza as part of their ZimGold Givers community social responsibility initiatives meant to assist needy families during this Covid-19 pandemic period.                          Speaking to this publication, Lesley Gibbons  said the cooking oil…

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MSF hands over successful HIV, cervical cancer project to Health Ministry

Angela Makamure (Media Liaison Co-ordinator, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Southern Africa) After nearly 10 years of providing quality HIV and cervical cancer treatment and prevention services in Gutu District, Zimbabwe, the international medical humanitarian organisation Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) is handing over its project activities to the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) and…

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COVID-19: USAID, WFP provide relief to over 10 000 urban dwellers

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) yesterday commenced cash disbursements in the scale-up of the Urban Social Assistance programme thanks to funding from the United States through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). USAID’s support will provide relief for vulnerable families in eight urban areas across Zimbabwe struggling to meet their daily…

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United Methodist Church in US$24 000 COVID-19 response campaign

By Bernard Chiketo MINISTER of State for Manicaland Dr Ellen Gwaradzimba has commended the United Methodist Church (UMC)’s US$24 000 Covid-19 prevention response targeting 38 000 people through 96 rural schools across Manicaland province. This comes as the country is relaxing lockdown regulations, reopening schools, and allowing local and international travel, thereby increasing the risk…

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Lack of access to personal identity documents an infringement of human rights

Hon Advocate Jacob F. Mudenda, the Speaker of the National Assembly has said the lack of access to personal identity documents is an infringement of human rights. He made the remarks at the Official Launch of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) Report on the National Inquiry on Access to Personal Documentation at the Meikles…

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Steward Bank launches a new product to support agriculture

Steward Bank has partnered with businesses under parent company Cassava Smartech Zimbabwe to launch AgroFuture, a new agribusiness product that is set to improve agricultural production in the country. The product – to be delivered in partnership with Cassava entities EcoCash, EcoSure, Vaya, Moovah, and EcoFarmer – offers tailor-made solutions to specific needs of the…

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Zimnat honours Jah Master for “making life better”

Zimnat, a leading financial service provider in the country has honoured rising musical sensation Jah Master of the “Hello Mwari” fame through a treat to some of their products and services. The honour is in recognition of his contribution in making life better during the COVID-19 induced nation lockdown through his song which has become…

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Embrace gender-sensitive policies in HIV response: PAPWC-Zim

The Pan African Positive Women’s Coalition (PAPWC-Zim) has said the incidence of HIV is higher among girls and women compared to boys and men hence the need for gender-sensitive policies that address the disparities. In his keynote address at the Zimbabwe Women Living With HIV National Forum Leadership (ZWLWHNF) and Governance Workshop that roared to…

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Covid-19 Taking A Toll On TB Response, New Survey Finds

Aayushi Pratap The Covid-19 pandemic has likely had serious health implications for patients living with tuberculosis, suggests a new global survey conducted by several health advocacy and civil-led groups. Seven out of ten healthcare workers who participated in the survey reported a decrease in the number of people coming to health facilities for tuberculosis testing….

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COVID-19: UN Secretary-General Alludes To Financing for Development

Mr. Antonio Guterres, the United Nations Secretary-General has noted the challenges and hardships brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and underscored the importance of financing for development in his opening remarks at the High-Level Meeting on Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond. Below, Spiked Online Media shares his full speech: THE…

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Tourism growth: rural service centres take shape

Environment, Climate, Tourism, and Hospitality Industry Nqobizitha Mangaliso Ndlovu on Monday urged Zimbabweans at home and abroad to take up investment opportunities in rural service centres and position themselves for imminent growth and development. Speaking at the occasion of the World Tourism Day Celebrations 2020 at Chinhoyi University of Technology, Ndhlovu said Government has begun…

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Proposed changes to US Global Gag Rule threaten wider harm

Seipati Moloi (Media Liaison Co-ordinator, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Estimates put the number of unsafe abortions each year at over 25 million—97% of them in developing countries—leading to at least 22,800 deaths and millions of serious complications. The United States policy known as the Global Gag Rule has had a devastating impact on women’s access…

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COVID-19: UNFPA, partners solicit for access to contraceptives for women and girls

In the midst of the COVID-19 global pandemic and on World Contraception Day, the UN’s reproductive health and rights agency – the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and partners have called for greater efforts to ensure access to contraceptives for women and girls of reproductive age. This is towards “Zero unmet Need for Contraception” even…

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ICT bridging the digital divide in coping with COVID-19

As the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, bridging the digital divide for the 3.6 billion people who remain off-line worldwide is being made possible through information communication technology, Dr. Jenfan Muswere, the Minister of ICT, Postal and Courier Services has said. Dr. Muswere made the remarks at the official opening of the Sadza Community…

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