Dzimbabwe mbira crew in scintillating performance


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By Lovemore Chazingwa
MBIRA music ensemble Dzimbahwe Mbira Crew produced one of their best performances when they launched the album ‘Usasora Mabiyako’ at City Sports Bar on recently.

The album is their fourth in a career spanning almost two decades. With half a dozen compositions, this album was launched amid the pomp and fun-fare resonant with the weekly jam sessions at the city centre venue. The idea behind launching the album at the jam session was to leverage on costs at the same time reaching out to as many mbira fans. Networking, mixing and mingling with fellow artists who were there to parade their talents was also a strategic opportunity.

“This launch has been co-hosted with our usual jam session due to the fact that we want these musicians to share notes on their work and be the critical voice in the work of fellow artists.

“We offer musicians instruments and the venue free of charge to ease the burden on their operational demands.

“Fans will not be deterred by admission charges as is the case with other album launches hence the window to appreciate the launch for all and sundry,” said city sports bar jam sessions chief organizer manager Mathius Bangure.

The album launch was sponsored by one of the most passionate music fanatics on the land who has taken it upon himself to assist artists in as much as he can.

He said he was very much pleased to be a part of a successful album launch at a venue that is a breeding ground for music talent and a supporting platform for all types of artists in the country without discrimination.

His philanthropy in the music circles was further demonstrated by forking out $100.00 for the purchase of a single CD.

     Said Rinemaunga when he went on stage to hand over the cash:” I’m quite happy to be a part of this project. My wish is to see music developing to even greater heights as we have lots of talent in the country. Lack of the resources like we have at this venue is a challenge to many artists. My promise is that I will do all that is in my ability to help the growth of arts in our country.”

‘Usasora Mabiyako’ is korekore dialect literally translated means never start war with a fellow human-being.

Tracks on the album are Sahwira dzora moyo carrying the message for people not to go for their friends loved ones taking advantage of the relationship that already exists between and among those involved. Changamire Gurundoro is a praise song to the king of the jungle lion as it is a totem praise song for the pride of wildlife. Closer scrutiny points to the fact that Rinemaunga is being hailed for the support he rendered to the whole project until the album launch. He is of the shumba tribe.

To stay out of trouble is everybody’s wish but if you start a war you should be prepare to face the consequences as this can be inevitable. Such is the morale in the composition ‘Nyaya Yawatanga’. Wandinoda is the cliche love song but done in a very lighter way to express the deep affection for a loved one.

As they say in traditional folklore, whenever people are to part there should be a parting pot. This is the gist of the last track on the album, ‘Nhumba Yemuonekedzano’, which literally means a special treat priming to part.

Several artists performed before and after the main perfomance by Dzimbanhete Mbira Crew.

The crew was sired in 1999 and their vision is to promote mbira, arts and culture create employment as well as assist the disadvantaged in society. They have toured extensively worldwide including European sojourns.

The Stewart Kadere, the manager of the group plays mbira,rattles, xylophone,shakers drums to mention the most prominent ones in making their heavy Shona traditional beat. Judging by their performance at the launch, the 10 member crew have a long way to go in the music business especially the mbira genre.