Egypt sets eyes on Zimbabwe’s agriculture sector


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By Elvis Dumba

Banket – President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s engagement and re-engagement efforts are bearing fruits with more countries lining up to invest in the country, including former hostile countries such as the United Kingdom (UK).

This was revealed by ZANU PF Spokesperson and Politburo member Christopher Mutsvangwa during a ZANU PF Inter-district meeting for Zvimba District

“President Emmerson Mnangagwa has done more for this country in less time. That has shown to the rest of the world that our economy is growing in leaps and bounds and everyone wants to invest in this course as they are seeing the future of our economy,” he said.

Mutsvangwa said the current Russia-Ukraine war has affected the world wheat supply, resulting in the world looking to other countries for the crop.

“We are blessed with the best fertile lands, especially Mashonaland West Province which contributed significantly towards the country’s wheat self-sufficiency and now we are heading for wheat exports, ” he told the party’s leaders in Banket.

“Our President has been invited by Egypt which has the intention to invest in our agriculture sector and is interested to help us financially in the sector so we triple our wheat output since these countries were getting their wheat supply from Ukraine and Russia but the conflict between those countries has caused a huge global demand for wheat. We can contribute significantly to the global wheat supply and Egypt wants to come and invest in that sector. This shows our President’s commitment to increase our foreign direct investment proving that indeed Zimbabwe is open for business,” he said.

Mutsvangwa said Mashonaland West is endowed with minerals, including iron ore supply, for at least 200 years.

“Zimbabwe is one of the richest countries through natural resources and here in Mashonaland West Province, we have all those mountains from Selous up to Featherstone full of iron ore enough for supply for the next 200 years and our President has managed to bring into this country the world’s best steel producer to invest in the country,” the ZANU PF spokesperson said.

Turning to the recently held party primary elections, Mutsvangwa said the process should strengthen the party more as they are geared for the general elections slated for August.

“We did our primary elections which are just part of our internal democratic process and they are not the end but they were meant to strengthen our party, now they are gone we need to be united and support our candidates for a thunderous victory in August harmonized general elections,” he said.

Mutsvangwa said the party went through a process where party members who had grievances over the party’s primary elections were addressed.

“Those who had grievances were served, and now we know who our candidates are. It’s time we move forward with them as we support our number one candidate, President Emerson Mnangagwa.”