Full Gospel Church: Letting love lead


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By Byron Mutingwende and Patricia Mashiri


The Full Gospel Church (FGC) is on an evangelism crusade to build a spiritual relationship between God and man through a demonstration of love and care.


Bishop Erifas Mugege, the FGC president highlighted the issue during the church’s annual conference held in Shamva, Mashonaland central province.


“Our focus is on building the spiritual relationship between man and his creator through evangelism, demonstration of love and care. In full care we want to develop a program that helps people socially, morally, spiritually and economically through a positive relationship with God and allow love to lead,”Mugege said.


He admonished the congregants to have trust in God since he is in control of every situation and fulfils the needs of mankind. The Evangelist urged parents to bring up their children in the presence of God and orient them in the word of God.


“ The Word of God should be taught to children at tender age. That way, their behaviour would be groomed in line with the dictates of Christian values. If today’s youths were raised in Christian ways problems around drug abuse and prostitution would be minimal if not fully eradicated.”


Since human beings were created in God’s image, they were encouraged to apply knowledge and their intellect towards behaviour that does not have negative outcomes. In the same vein, Christians should maintain high moral standards through righteousness.


“ As Christians, we should avoid sinning at all times. We are created in God’s image of holiness. Our language and behaviour should reveal God’s love and holiness. There should not be a discordant relationship between God and man. We should worship God in truth and in spirit as outlined in John 4,” Mugege said.


The church leader encouraged Christians to be humble before God and man and to have faith in their creator. He gave an analogy of a believer whose cow was sick but was healed through prayer as an example of the fruits of believing in God.


The FGC has assemblies in Harare, Mutare, Masvingo, Gutu, Ngundu, Beitbrigde and Mwenezi. Jehu Bingiso Mugege the FGC National Evangelist said the church had hopes to setup assemblies countrywide through their theme, “Taking the Gospel to cities”.


“We want to preach the undiluted gospel of the good news about Jesus Christ to the whole world. Currently we are building the right person who will be saturated with the true gospel so that he/she becomes the perfect missionary to the world,” Bingiso said.


Pedzisai Kusakara, the FGC Secretary-General and Pastor Zephania Gomora insisted that the gospel should revolve around love and reiterated the message of peace.


“If we show love to one another it will be easy to carry each others burdens. We want to go beyond boarders with the word. We want to equip our members to preach the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”


The church leaders said peace should start in the home and cascade to the local community, to the districts, provinces, nations and the world at large.