How Interactive Videos Changes Everything About E-Learning

E-learning is rapidly becoming the favourite method for learning around the world. The convenience of time and location that e-learning affords is the primary reason that makes e-learning so accessible.

The widespread availability of the internet in even the most remote locations make e-learning accessible to everyone who wants to learn. Traditionally e-learning uses slides and videos for educating aspiring students on the subject matter.


Visual education tools are incredibly useful in conveying lessons in a way that students can easily understand and remember than experiences in the form of text. Youtube is a perfect example of a video platform where you can find lessons in all sorts of topics.


You can even start a channel and make educational videos on a topic you comprehend for teaching the audience across the globe from the comfort of your home. However, even visuals and videos can get monotonous after long sessions of learning.


Nowadays, a new form of online content is available, which takes the learning process to a whole new level. Interactive videos are trending among educational communities, and experts suggest that the teaching method is going to be trending very soon.

Research suggests that interactive videos have ten times more impact on your learning than ordinary educational videos. In conventional videos, the user only has the options to play, pause, and rewind or fast forward. Interactive videos let you engage directly with educational content.


The platform brings a host of features that educational content creators can use for making their content more engaging. You can click on the content to receive additional information, drag content, and explore 360-degree video content.

4 Tricks How Interactive Videos Changes Everything About E-Learning

1. Keeping Your Video Short

The attention span of the human mind is finite. A long video containing heaps of information may bog the audience down and prevent them from adequately integrating the lessons. Shorter videos are easier to make and also makes it easier for the user to concentrate fully.


A long video creates more chances for you to make mistakes, and you may need to re-film parts or your entire video. The editing of long videos will also take more time, which will result in need of extensive duration to publish online.

Interactive videos let you choose from the topics within the content, which allows you to explore and discover the answers to your questions without needing to go through the entire content. You can include subtitles, captions, and other guiding text to enable a better understanding of the subject.


In the present day, time is of the essence as we move to increasingly hectic lives. Short videos enable the user to view the educational content while commuting or waiting for someone.


Tutorials in the GIF format are also excellent for delivering informative content in ultra-short replaying format. GIF tutorials are easily shareable on various social media platforms. GIF videos provide the perfect opportunity for individuals that do not have enough time to watch an entire video.

2. Gamification

The potential range of producing interactive and educational content through gamification is immense. The informative content is conveyable in the form of games rapid-fire quizzes, a scoreboard, and additional exciting trivia can prove to be a fun yet memorable learning experience.


Gamification can aid to maintain the full attention of the learner on the topic for a higher duration than a video. You can transfer complex learning concepts effectively and in a simple form by using interactive games.

The quality of the visuals, back story, and the audio are critical for making the interactive games effective. The user interface also needs to be exceptional to deliver a quick and easy interactive experience.


Therefore the games need proper design and concept for making the content interesting as well as informative. This technique is handy for teaching children who are not old enough to devote their complete attention to learning.


3. Analysing The Progression Of Learners

The success of ordinary educational videos are only trackable based on the number of views or likes. Interactive videos allow keeping track of the progression of every learner. The answers to quizzes and the choices you take are traceable, allowing for quick evaluation of a learner.

The analysis of the choices will allow the content creators to assess if the learners can progress smoothly or if they are experiencing any difficulty. This data is useful for further optimization of the content to make it simple for all learners to understand.


The results are also usable as a source of motivation by employing leaderboards and issuing badges for an excellent performance.

4. Easy Accessibility

Interactive videos are preferable to conventional videos for providing informational content in small dollops, which are simpler to integrate. Interactive videos are accessible from a range of devices, making it exceedingly convenient for the modern learner.

Mobile devices are the choice nowadays for accessing the internet while on the move. Interactive videos are perfectly suitable for touch interface on smartphones.


Having a repeat lesson on a topic you did not fully understand can be difficult in traditional learning techniques. E-learning with interactive videos ensures that you can go through the content any number of times and repeatedly attempt the quizzes and tests until you get satisfactory results.



Interactive video learning strategy can massively improve the quality of your education. The benefits over conventional video learning are the ability to engage with the educational content, which results in better integration of the concept and retaining it.


E-learning already creates opportunities for anyone living in locations far from quality education resources. The impact of e-learning is increasing further as more parts of the world get a proper internet connection. E-learning brings further convenience to all students by integrating mobility and creativity to the education sector.