Install speed governance devices on public transport: PAZ


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The Passengers Association of Zimbabwe (PAZ) is calling on public transport operators to install speed limiting devices on their vehicles so as to prevent road carnages.

PAZ made the remarks as it has conveyed its sincere condolences to the families of victims who perished in an accident involving two buses in Rusape.

“As PAZ we urge all motorists especially those ferrying public commuters or passengers to exercise extreme caution on our roads to avoid unnecessary loss of lives,” said Mr Tafadzwa Goliati the President of PAZ.

It is now three years since the government of Zimbabwe came up with Section 64 (2) of the S I 129 but nothing has been done to mitigate the installation of speed limit devices on all public transport vehicles .The November 7 Disaster was due to speeding and overtaking errors.

Mr Tafadzwa Goliati told the Spiked Online Crew that Rwanda has initiated and imposed speed governor system in all buses and this has reduced accidents at about 60% police traffic of Rwanda confirmed.

The PAZ has urged responsible authorities to ensure that roads are in good state to minimise accidents.

“We also kindly request fellow Zimbabweans or well-wishers to help assist the bereaved families during their time of need”,added Mr Goliati