“Let’s do everything with the cooperation of an Indian and the thoroughness of a German. In all this, let love lead,” these are the words of one Mrs. Abigail Mutsauri Tagwirei, a member of the Chikuku Development Initiative – a project that has brought smiles to many a life in this bustling community domiciled in Bikita East, Masvingo Province.

The Chikuku Development Initiative came into being as complementary gesture to the good work started by our area’ s respected native, Prof. Jacob Mufunda who started monthly medical visits to Chikuku Rural Hospital in December 2018 and pledged to continue same into the unforeseeable future.
“The man should be honoured for setting aside a day off his busy schedule to offer free medical consultancy and services to our people every month. Cognisant of his good works, distinguished daughters and Sons of Chikuku, who include Mr. Walter Mutsauri, Mrs. Chenai Mutetwa Chiketsani, Mr. Sesel Zvidzai, Mr. Gift Marimbire, and Mrs. Tagwirei, just to mention a few among many others, decided to galvanise Prof Mufunda’s efforts and formed the Chikuku Development Initiative on WhatsApp,” said Engineer Busai Blessed Sithole, a member of the Interim Committee of the Chikuku Development Initiative.

The aim of the initiative is to reach out to people who attended school in Bikita East constituency. Members comprise of but are not limited to people who attended such schools as Chikuku, Mandadzaka, Boora, Runhengu, Mamutse, Rupare, Masekai and Gangare just to mention a few.
The pioneers of the initiative realised the need to focus on Chikuku Rural Hospital in terms of capacitating it with essential medicines, drugs, and equipment at the present moment.
“In the near future, we intend to reach out to other needy institutions within the aforementioned locality with other development initiatives in the area. As members, we are encouraged to be apolitical and contribute to this worthy cause in cash or kind. In doing so we are encouraged to share ideas in a robust manner that respects diverse opinions.
“We are free to share our history when growing up and any other relevant day-to-day updates as we deem fit but taking care not to divert from our core business,” said Prof. Mufunda, the Interim Chairman of the Chikuku Development Initiative.
The fruits of the initiative are now evident in the work that is being done to capacitate the Chikuku Rural Hospital.
“We recently received a consignment of drugs to respond to common ailments like diabetes and common flu, pneumonia, BP, and headache. Prof. Mufunda also religiously attends to his monthly visits to this hospital whereby he freely provides medical consultancy and services to our patients.
“I should also thank the children of this community both locally and abroad, who decided to pool resources and made sure that our hospital got a facelift. As we are talking, dedicated villagers from Mataga Village – Farai Chimombe, George Mabhinya, Gabriel Matseketu, Blessing Chinyamutondo, and Austin Mataga, are working our hospital grounds by cutting grass and making flower beds so as to improve the image of our hospital,” said Mr. Sylvester Magwegwe, the Nurse-In-Charge at Chikuku Rural Hospital.

To make this happen, the sons and daughters of Chikuku, both locally and abroad donate generously towards this worthy cause.
Mr. Morgan Chiuya, a retired teacher, coordinates the work from Chikuku and makes sure the donations are put to good use. In doing this, he liaises with the Treasury that comprises Mr. Garikai Singadi and Mrs. Chenai Chiketsani.
Special mention is extended to people in the diaspora who include Anna Mutsauri, Catherine Nhongo Chikwanda, Charles Nyemba, Emmanuel Mufunda, Hazel Mutidzawanda, Ranganai Turugari, Edna Mataga, Eng. John Manyanga, Sesedzai Chagurwa, and Zvichapera Kuvenga, just to mention a few.
Locally, some group members who have donated generously to the cause include Benson Tamirepi, Eng. Busai Sithole, Chenai Chiketsani, Violet Chikohora, Claude Maredza, the Kuvenga, Mutsauri, Marimbire, Mafuhure, Mufunda, Mutetwa, Lwanda, Nhongo, Zvidzai, Zingoni, Mutingwende and Turugari families, just to mention a few.
Through Prof. Mufunda, the Chikuku Development Initiative has approached the Ministry of Health to be considered as a beneficiary of the national project on installing oxygen to rural hospitals.
The Chikuku Rural Hospital has 38 beds with one nurse-in-charge, 8 state registered nurses (three of whom with midwifery), and 3 primary care nurses. The hospital has a vast tract of land with a huge potential for expansion since it caters to patients within its 50km radius.