Mliswa Speaks on the By Elections


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Spiked Reporter

Former Zanu Pf provincial chairman, Themba Mliswa who was competing in the just ended by elections as an Independent candidate in Hurungwe West has dismissed the outcome of the elections where ZANU Pf candidate Keith Guza won.

Speaking at a press conference held earlier on, “It is important to record and to detail the extent and depth of the manipulation of Electoral processes and electoral institutions through violence and intimidation on the electorate” he said.

He went on to state the facts of the ills that took place prior and during the elections citing that, “the following are not limited to all the occurrences”

Prior to the elections out of the 24 public meetings Mliswa applied to hold only 8 were approved by the police and of the 8 that took place are said to have been disrupted by ZANU PF supporters.

Mliswa had statistics to back up his accusation, “Over 150 people were assaulted by the village heads and war vetarans. Village heads kept the ID cards of their residents which were only returned on the voting day”.
He added that, “The chief election agent and 23 polling agents were arrested and detained for more than 4 hours, they were then forced to complete profile forms before they were released without a charge due to lack of evidence”.

Over 100 youths who were known to be Mliswa’s supporters are said to have been turned away from the polling stations.

Mliswa was the main contender against ZANU PF Candidate Keith Guzah garnered 5 961 votes against him who was 1 722 off the mark when he got 4 239 votes.

In conclusion Mliswa thanked his fans who were vigilant enough to go and vote in numbers despite the violence and intimidation that had become the order of the day.