Mokoomba leaves for SA


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By Kundai Marunya

Widely traveled afro fusion group Mokoomba departed for South Africa to perform at the Nuworld Festival in Capetown tomorrow.

Hot on the heels from a tour of Zambia where they mesmerized their Livingston fans at the Earth Festival, the group will perform at the festival’s mainstage, the same stage that will host the legendary rhumba star Kanda Bongoman.

In an interview with Spiked Lifestyle before their departure, Mokoomba manager Marcus Gora said, “It is our first time to perform at the festival and it will be such an honour and pleasure to perform just after Kanda Bongo Man, a legendary musician who we grew up listening to.”

Gora said they go prepared to waltz the South African audience. “The festival’s theme this year is wild and wise which brings together young and old artists together. We will have a fresh, danceable set and hope the audience will love it.”

Only last week Mokoomba set alight Alliance Francaise with new songs from their upcoming album which is in the mixing and mastering stage.

Also performing at the festival is Ricky Rick and Simpiwe Dana among other celebrated names.