New twist to Mangoma adultery scandal


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By Kundai Marunya

Former Minister of Energy and Power Development and MDC Renewal team treasurer Elton Mangoma has blamed his fellow party leaders for his attack.

Mangoma who was allegedly attacked by his party’s provincial youth leader Believe Tevera for snatching his wife Yeukai Maravanyika questioned the ability of his assailant to enter a protected party office were security was tight without inside help. Addressing the press corp at his offices in Belvedere yesterday, a visibly injured and closely guarded Mangoma said, “Yesterday I was attacked under unclear circumstances but at a place where all leadership should feel safe…I’m partially worried about the complicity of some of my colleagues in the party in arranging and coordinating the violence.”

“It is sad that some people would want to score cheap political points at the expense of people’s lives and through the use of young and vulnerable youth,” he added.  Mangoma’s statement was a clear indication that all is not well in the new political party that broke away from the Morgan Tsvangirai led MDC-T late last year.

Mangoma said, “I am deeply disturbed by the use of violence under whatever circumstances to resolve issues and disputes. Violence is the main reason why we left MDC-T and we continue advocating for peaceful resolutions in any circumstances.” He however refused to name the people behind his attack. “I’m not at liberty to announce who was behind my attack but violence has been going on for some time in my party, my attack being the third time,” said Mangoma.

Disharmony in the party was further revealed as Mangoma accused fellow party leaders to be in bed with Joyce Mujuru’s People First. “We know some of our people have been talking to People First but this has not been agreed on in the party,” he said. Mangoma also pointed out that his working relationship with Tendai Biti, MDC Renewal’s secretary general has deteriorated. “Our relationship has not been as cordial as much as I would want it to be. We have not been discussing issues as much as I would want us to.”

Meanwhile, Mangoma denied the adultery allegations leveled by Tevera. “I am a principled family man and mentor, and will continue to be so for the rest of my life. I believe leadership starts at the family unit cascading up to the national level. One cannot be a good national leader unless he understands that family underpins all facets of leadership,” he added. “I have a wife that I love and three sons that I am most proud of, all of whom are now at the stage of creating and mentoring their own families.” He, however refused journalists to ask questions to his wife who was present at the press briefing.

Mangoma acknowledged having met Tevera’s wife three time but could not further furnish details of their relationship. “I met the young lady three times. First she came here to my office alone, the second time she brought a friend and the third time was at a workshop organized by Mwanasikana Munhu in Glen View.”