Safeguard responds to increased number of break-ins in Harare


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Staff Writer

Safeguard, one of the country’s leading security firms, is increasing the number of rapid response vehicles it has in Harare in response to an increase in the frequency of break-ins and thefts throughout the city, especially in the northern suburbs.


It has also forged closer links with neighbourhood watch representatives and introduced area patrols.


“The frequency of break-ins and thefts has increased significantly across the board but particularly in Harare’s northern suburbs,” Safeguard Alarms managing director Reason Chitiva said.


“We are therefore increasing the number of rapid response vehicles deployed in Harare. We already have the largest number of dedicated rapid response vehicles of any security organisation countrywide, with 15 in Harare alone. This will soon be increased to 18.


“Our rapid response teams, instead of remaining in strategic fixed positions, are now conducting area patrols to give them a greater footprint. It is hoped this will act as a deterrent to burglars and thieves,” he said.


There are Safeguard rapid response teams deployed throughout the city to enable them to reach quickly the premises of any client whose security alarm is triggered. An electronic map of the quickest route is sent by the response control centre to the response team’s Global Positioning Systems (GPS) enabled smartphone to further reduce the time it will take to reach the premises.


Safeguard is also offering its rapid response clients a cellphone panic button facility so that they can seek assistance in an emergency when they are away from home or request an escort on the way home if they believe they are being followed or are concerned about their security.


The rapid response service includes medical emergency response. In a medical emergency at the client’s premises, a Safeguard response team proceeds to the premises, while an ambulance rushes to the scene.


Ace Air and Ambulance, one of the country’s top ambulance service providers, has an exclusive agreement with Safeguard for the provision of ambulance services to its rapid response clients in Harare in a medical emergency.


Its ambulances have on board paramedics and life support equipment and drugs. The service provided by Ace Air Ambulance is part of the standard Safeguard response service in Harare. No payment to the ambulance crew or production of a medical aid card is required.


The response service is also linked to the Fire Brigade. Safeguard rapid response customers can either press the fire alarm button or security button on the alarm keypad in the event of a fire at their premises. Safeguard will call the fire brigade and send a response team to the premises.