The 1948 Palestine catastrophe an ongoing struggle: Palestinian Embassy


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The Palestinian Embassy to Zimbabwe has said the 1948 Palestine Nakba, or catastrophe is an ongoing struggle and daily reality for the Palestinian people with the continued attacks on the Arab state.
The Al Nakba Day is commemorated every year on 15 May and the Embassy said they commemorate the 76 years at a time of an unprecedented catastrophe.
On the day, that the Palestinian people observe the near-total destruction of the state where more than 750,000 of the population were permanently displaced from their homeland and became refugees in neighboring countries, in an ethnic cleansing exercise.
In a statement, the Embassy of Palestine to Zimbabwe said Israel’s ongoing onslaught against the Gaza Strip is disastrous as the latter continues to go against international law.
“2.3 million besieged Palestinians in Gaza, half of whom are children, are being massacred, maimed, bombed, orphaned, intentionally starved and forcibly displaced. The casualty toll is sickening: Israel has slaughtered 35,000 Palestinian people, including children, women, men, grandparents, newborn babies, healthcare workers, humanitarian personnel, and journalists.
“Millions of Palestinian civilians who survive Israel’s bombardments and forced displacements will die of hunger, hypothermia, and disease as Israel, the occupying power, continues to block humanitarian aid (including food, water, medicine, and fuel) from reaching them,” read part of the statement.
The Embassy also reiterated that the international community has somehow neglected the state as Israel continues to wreak havoc. The statement also highlighted the need for Israel to be accountable for the continued suffering of the Palestinian people and called on other countries to desist from shielding the ongoing violations.
“What we have been witnessing for seven agonizing months now is a direct consequence of decades of injustice, inaction, and impunity. For 76 years, the international community, including Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, has failed to achieve justice for the Palestinian people, enforce the two-state solution, end the illegal long-term Israeli occupation, halt Israel’s illegal colonial settlement expansion, lift Israel’s blockade on Gaza, or halt Israel’s genocidal assault against the Palestinian people in Gaza.,” the statement continued.
The Embassy also thanked the growing support and solidarity the state is getting and reaffirmed that the Palestinian people will not give up in the struggle for the fulfillment of their rights.