WED Zimbabwe celebrates female inventors


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By Angeline Mikiri – UN WED Zimbabwe Ambassador

The third edition of Women Entrepreneurship Day is set for November 17 this year after successfully hosting of the last two editions. This year’s event will honour five women who have distinguished themselves in the area of research and innovation.

Awarding these women not only recognises their impressive work but also empowers them to fulfil their dreams. This is a positive development in Zimbabwe and other developing countries where more scientific expertise and gender equality in academia is critical. The award also helps to motivate young women to be scientists and inventors. The determination, commitment and enthusiasm of these women is an inspiration to us all but more so to other women undertaking scientific research in developing countries.

These awards celebrate their excellence and reflect the impact of their hard work in the region and the International arena despite the harsh prevailing economic conditions. When women are successful innovators they often make life changing and long term contributions to the lifestyles and economies of the poorest countries and often its by identifying unseen and critical issues thereby finding answers that others have not even considered. Not only do we need to recognise these women inventors but promote a culture where these researches are commercialised and find the celebrate these women

Women Entrepreneurship Day (WED) is generating a movement that carries throughout the year in support of women in business globally. WED ignites women leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs to initiate startups, drive economic expansion, and advance communities worldwide. The movement is celebrated in 144 countries and 110 universities and colleges internationally this also includes Zimbabwe. Our mission is to empower the 4 billion women across the globe to be catalysts of change, and uplift the 250 million girls living in poverty globally.