Zimbabwe Cricket Board given 7-days Ultimatum to resign


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By Patricia Mashiri

The Zimbabwe Cricket board has been given a 7-day ultimatum to resign or be forced to step down. The decision was reached  after it  failed to satisfy stakeholders’ interests.

Temba Mliswa, the Norton legislator, gave the Zimbabwe Cricket board led by Tavengwa Mukuhlani a 7-day ultimatum to resign from their positions so as to give others chance to take charge of the beautiful game of cricket.

“We are giving the Zimbabwe Cricket board a 7-day ultimatum to resign and let the learned take over. They have failed and no one disagrees with that. The cricket players have gone for months without salaries. We have to understand that these guys have families to feed.

“Corruption is the order of the day in the board. People who have cricket background should lead. That’s what all other organisations do. We  need to close all the gaps because we are in the new dispensation and can not tolerate corruption within organisations. Zimbabwe Cricket is at crossroads. The Minister has the powers to replace the board and in this case these people have failed.,” Mliswa said.

The legislator bemoaned the fact that Zimbabwean children are no longer enjoying the game and do not even have access to it. He said the game had lost its value and promised to do what ever it takes to close the gap created by the board. Mliswa pledged to restore the pride of the cricket game and close gaps in other sporting disciplines.

A general consensus was made and people to the effect that the whole board must fall and new people should fill in their positions. Mliswa insisted that experienced administrators of the cricket game should be in office.

Lazarus Zizhou highlighted that the lack of funds and support from the cricket mother board had killed the sport. In that regard, he encouraged stakeholders to go back to the drawing board and revive it with immediate effect.