Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) unpacked

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The newly-elected Chairman of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA), Cde Moffat Elias Marashwa yesterday clarified the national significance of the body representing the welfare of liberation war freedom fighters at a meeting of executive members held in Harare.

The veterans of the liberation struggle separated their entity from other bodies representing them and said they had no problems existing alongside such bodies.

“The  ZNLWVA is a membership-driven institution registered at law as a private voluntary organisation (PVO) under the Ministry of Public Service, Labour, and Social Welfare. We recognise the existence of other bodies like the ZANU (PF)-affiliated War Veterans League which shall hold its Congress in October. Ours members are allowed to affiliate with the War Veterans League, and in our view, it’s their democratic right,” Cde Marashwa said.

The ZNLWVA is registered as a welfare organization in terms of the Welfare Organisation Act, [Chapter 11:15]. The Association shall be a body corporate capable of suing and being sued in its name and of owning and disposing of property. The Patron of the Association shall be the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe with its headquarters situated in Harare.
“According to the ZNWLA Constitution, it has several objectives. Among these, we seek to provide a forum at which the veterans may exchange views on matters of National significance. For example, we feel that as veterans of the liberation struggle, priority should be given to our children and dependants who meet the requirements for recruitment in critical ministries like that of lands and agriculture; local government; and mining.
“We say so because as it stands, quite several war veterans do not have access to land but sadly we read in the media that some well-connected individuals and politicians own multiple farms and mines yet a majority of those who lost limbs and lives to liberate the country are still languishing in poverty,” Cde Marashwa said.
He added that ZNLWVA must influence or petition any public or private authority, organization, or person to provide assistance and special recognition to veterans of the liberation struggle and their families.
Cde Amos Svovanapasi, representing the ZNLWVA in Mashonaland East Province said their organisation exists to enable veterans of the liberation struggle to propagate the ideas and achievements of the war of liberation through seminars.
“We are happy that the party that most of our members are affiliated with, ZANU (PF) came up with the Chitepo School of Ideology. We are glad that some of our members are invited to provide lectures at such institutions because we would like the history and legacy of the liberation to cascade to younger generations so we preserve our history and heritage,” Cde Svovanapasi said.
He reiterated the importance of fostering a spirit of solidarity among the veterans for the greater benefit of unity at the National level; maintaining the spirit of the National Liberation struggle to further enhance the struggle for economic liberation of the country; pursuing the socialist ideas of the liberation struggle and give them concrete application to the social-economic environment of Zimbabwe.
Cde Josphat Terera, the ZNLWVA Treasurer-General said they are working on establishing a Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Provident Fund and to administer it for the benefit of the members of the Association in the social needs.
In a slight departure from the norm where the ZNLWVA went for more than 10 years without an elective conference, the war veterans resolved that every five (5) years there will be this conference of which the National Executive shall draw up the agenda of the conference.
Delegates to the National Congress shall comprise at least five District executives from each District and all Provincial executives from each Province, provided that the National Executive may alter the number required to attend without any derogation on the representatives of any delegation.
ZNLWVA said Annual General Meetings (AGMs) of the Association shall be held at least once a year at such time and place as the Executive Committee shall decide.