Zimbabweans join hands in the fight against illegal sanctions


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By Gean Anesu Boriondo

Ahead of the Anti-Sanctions Day on the 25th of October, Zimbabweans have joined hands in the fight against illegally imposed sanctions by the United States and European Union that have been crippling the economy of the country for almost two decades.

These sanctions have been dragging the country backward with the woes of the economy worsened by the impacts of Cyclone Idai and Covid-19.

With the sanctions continuing to cripple the economy of the country, opposition leaders of MDC T Dr. Thokozani Khupe and National Constitutional Assembly Professor Lovemore Madhuku have condemned and demanded the unconditional removal of sanctions.

“All Zimbabweans, regardless of political affiliation, should stand up and demand the unconditional removal of the unjust economic sanctions that have bled the country of billions and caused unnecessary suffering.”

Zimbabwe’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Dr. Sibusiso Moyo has said that the country has been doing well but it is being limited by the economic sanctions and he has called for the removal of the economic embargo on the country.

“Zimbabwe has recorded a number of successes despite the crippling illegal western sanctions but demands the unconditional lifting of the embargo so that the country can fly freely on the economic front,” Dr. Moyo said.

The media community has added their voice in the fight against sanctions with the biggest daily newspaper in the country “The Herald” launching the SADC Anti-Sanctions Day essay poetry competition and according to its editor Hatred Zenenga, the top three winners in each category will receive prize money, branded gifts and a tour of the Herald House.

This comes after the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has taken the fight to the global arena with its ambassadors in various Western capital having been tasked to campaign on behalf of Zimbabwe in their respective host countries.