Zimbabwe’s Parliamentary delegation to Mozambique meets President Nyusi

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Zimbabwe’s Parliamentary delegation to Mozambique led by Speaker, Hon Advocate Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo Mudenda met the Mozambique National Assembly Chairpersons and Mozambican President, His Excellency, Felipe Jacinto Nyusi, at State House.

The bilateral visit of Speaker Mudenda and his delegation was crowned by its meeting with Mozambican President, His Excellency, Felipe Jacinto Nyusi, at State House.

H.E. President Nyusi warmly welcomed Speaker Mudenda and his delegation to the State House and espoused the excellent bilateral relations that exist between Mozambique and Zimbabwe in both the economic and political spheres.

In this regard, such fraternal relations need to be buttressed by benchmarking visits such as one being undertaken by the Zimbabwean delegation to the Parliament of Mozambique. In that context, President Nyusi confided that he had recently met his brother President, Cde Dr. E. D Mnangagwa, at Machipanda to discuss the revamping of the Beira corridor railway network between the two sister Republics.

H.E Nyusi revealed that it was at that meeting that both Presidents witnessed the rehabilitation ceremony of the Machipanda-Beira railway route from the Mozambican side and that H.E Dr E.D Mnangagwa would reciprocate a similar development from the Zimbabwean side including, the establishment of a One-Stop Shop border post to enhance the accelerated movement of goods and services between the two Republics. President Nyusi further affirmed that the strong all-weather bond of fraternal relations between the two sister republics was based on trust, loyalty, and good neighbourliness which has been demonstrated practically by both countries, he looked forward to continued cordial relations between the 2 countries such that both could sustainably achieve greater heights of economic and social development.

Furthermore, President Nyusi revealed to the Zimbabwean delegation how Mozambique was grateful for the support rendered by Zimbabwe and other SADC countries in containing the insurgency in the Cabo Delgado region of Mozambique. As a result of this intervention, President Nyusi opined that Mozambique was experiencing some measure of peace and security in the northern region of Mozambique. In that context, H.E. President Nyusi further affirmed that the Unity accord between his FRELIMO Party and RENAMO would persist in the interest of promoting accelerated development in Mozambique in the overall peaceful environment being experienced currently. On that score, His Excellency, President Nyusi informed the Zimbabwean delegation that he looked forward to the holding of peaceful and successful general elections scheduled for the 9th October 2024.

In response to President Nyusi’s warm welcome remarks, Speaker Mudenda thanked President Nyusi for being gracious enough to accord the Zimbabwean delegation a courtesy call at State House in spite of his busy statecraft schedule. The delegation further tendered their gratitude to H.E President Nyusi for his unwavering support in the quest for the unconditional removal of illegal sanctions on Zimbabwe. Furthermore, Speaker Mudenda and his delegation extolled the iconic diplomatic leadership that resulted in the unity accord between FRELIMO and RENAMO thereby ending the unfortunate 17-year-old internal conflict after independence.

Additionally, Speaker Mudenda appreciated former President, Joaquim Chisanno’s assistance in helping Zimbabwe come up with strategies to clear its arrears owed to the Bretton Woods Institutions and the Paris Club. As requested by President Nyusi, Speaker Mudenda assured H.E President Nyusi that he would convey profound fraternal greetings and cordial goodwill to His Excellency, President Cde Dr. E.D Mnangagwa.