Zimnat launches customer care Chatbot Musa


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Zimnat has launched a customer service chatbot, an automated chat that responds to customer queries and provides answers to frequently asked questions.


The chatbot has been aptly named Musa. She can help clients with customer service queries as well as redirect them to the online portal.


Musa is available on the Zimnat website (www.zimnat.co.zw) and on Zimnat’s social media platforms, namely Facebook (Zimnat) and Twitter (@ZimnatOfficial).

It will make it easy for customers to obtain information or responses to their queries in real time.


A chatbot is a form of artificial intelligence. It is a software programme that responds to messages, making use of key words in the conversation to come up with an appropriate response.


The chat format gives the person lodging a query the impression that he or she is talking to an actual person. The chatbot introduces itself with a name and asks the enquirer’s name. It is programmed to provide appropriate responses to particular queries.


Most queries can be responded to in this way, saving customer care staff the time it would take to respond to queries themselves. It also saves customers the time involved in trying to call customer care and explain their queries verbally. It means that queries can be made and responded to at any time of the day or night on any day of the week.


If there is a query that the chatbot cannot respond to, it forwards it to a customer care agent for a response. However, the majority of queries and questions can be competently dealt with by Musa the chatbot.


“This is another example of the ways in which we as Zimnat are trying to make life better and more convenient for our customers,” commented Zimnat group marketing executive Angela Mpala.


“In this day and age there are so many new technologies that enable an organisation to improve its efficiency and customer service. A customer service chatbot is just one of them,” she said.